[center][color=bc8dbf][h3]Leo Shin[/h3][/color][/center] Leo smiled and held Raquel's arm as she got down from the car to steady her. [color=bc8dbf]"I'll save you a seat,"[/color] he promised her just as CeCe arrived on the scene. The tall blonde girl had an air about her that drew the eye. She was a literal model and she walked with the confidence of a woman who knew she was beautiful. She also tended to think she was in charge, which was sometimes a little annoying to Leo, but he couldn't complain because she was a master at party-planning, especially when it came to nit-picky details like the color of the napkins or other things Leo tended to gloss over. "Co-host," he corrected himself, hiding an eyeroll by putting the sunglasses back on. He sighed at the news about the bartender. [color=bc8dbf]"No, no need for that, the hotel has someone on call who can fill in. I thought I'd try to mix it up but it'll save us a few bucks in the end."[/color] He added that last part with a grin. It was pretty obvious nobody cared about being frugal when it came to this kind of thing, least of all Leo. [color=bc8dbf]"Besides, I don't want some random kid mixing my cocktails. Anyway, Julio's still inside, making new friends or something."[/color] His phone buzzed in his pocket. Leo ignored it at first, but when it persisted he reluctantly answered. [color=bc8dbf]"Leo Shin,"[/color] he said, then paused to listen for a few minutes. [color=bc8dbf]"I seeā€¦"[/color] he glanced at CeCe and frowned, [color=bc8dbf]"Of course. Thank you for letting me know."[/color] He ended the call. [color=bc8dbf]"Well I guess my fancy bartender and your fancy DJ have a date tonight. He just cancelled on me. Daughter was in a car accident or something. She's okay, but we're not."[/color] At some point between now and answering his phone Raquel had seemingly disappeared. Well, they all had things to do. Leo was searching through his contacts to try and come up with a replacement. It wasn't the problem of finding someone, just finding someone who was [i]available[/i] on a Friday night. He made a few calls but turned up empty. He looked to CeCe for help, but just then they were approached by some guy with messy black hair wearing a plaid shirt that was barely buttoned high enough. Leo was instantly critical of the stranger's taste in clothes, even though something about them reminded him of his brother. Apparently he'd been listening in, or else he was just [i]really[/i] straightforward. Either way, Leo was caught slightly off guard at his offer to DJ, though his opinion of the stranger who introduced himself as "Jack" fell slightly when he said he'd do it for cheap. Was he that desperate to get in on the action that he'd sell himself out? Everything about it screamed poor business practice, and Leo wasn't even a business major. He hesitantly shook Jack's hand. It was unlikely they'd find someone else, and in fact Jack's appearance was something of a Godsend, so in spite of his misgivings Leo decided it was worth a shot. [color=bc8dbf]"Actually, we do need a DJ. Ours just cancelled on us and it's gonna be hard to find someone on such short notice. You'll get paid fairly if you can do a good job."[/color] Leo reached for the inside pocket of the white blazer and pulled out a business card case. He took out two cards and handed them to Jack. [color=bc8dbf]"This one's the Hotel's, it has the address and you can call the number on the back to arrange transportation for your equipment. Just say it's for the Barker party," the reservation had been made under CeCe's name, "And this one's got my number."[/color] The second card was elegantly simple, black with silver lettering that spelled out both Leo and Julio's names and their numbers. [color=bc8dbf]"I'm Leo, Julio is my brother. Call either of us if you have any questions."[/color] [hr] [center][h3][color=7ea7d8]Julio Shin[/color][/h3][/center] [color=7ea7d8]"Reading about things on the internet doesn't count as life experience," [/color]Julio said teasingly, elbowing Bryn's arm. He grinned brightly at Kina. [color=7ea7d8]"Canada, actually,"[/color] he said, [color=7ea7d8]"My parents were from Korea, and my brother and I were born there, but we moved to Canada when I was little. [i]Annyeonghaseyo[/i]. Nice to meet you, Kina."[/color] He laughed. Another girl joined them. Raquel. She drew quite a few eyes including Julio's. He didn't know her very well but he knew who she was. Everyone knew her name, at least. She seemed a little [i]too[/i] interested in Kina, who was starting to look uncomfortable with all the attention he was receiving. Before he had a chance to answer the boy's questions, Julio's phone chirped. It was a text from Leo with news about the party changes. [color=7ea7d8]"Ah, sorry, I've gotta run. I'll see you around Kina. And Bryn, you're coming tonight right? Text me later."[/color] He hopped up and waved goodbye before heading out the door. Leo's group wasn't far off, all standing around the parking lot. [color=7ea7d8]"Hey, what's--"[/color] just then a bright orange shoe flew past his head and bounced off the sidewalk between Leo and CeCe. He looked to see where it had come from, and there stood an embarrassed looking bearded man with one shoe on his foot. He seemed to be debating whether or not to retrieve the lost shoe and tentatively approached the group. Leo noticed him first, glancing from the man, to the shoe, and then back. He raised his eyebrows but made no move to help him.