Skyra coughed a bit. [color=f7976a]"It's not the noise I fight for."[/color], she corrected Mokuren, [color=f7976a]"It is what the noise stands for that I fight for. Remember the faunus-rights movements that turned violent? I want to fight so that innocent citizens, who want their rights to be the same as others, won't have to suffer, get injured or even die. When I was young, I saw mothers lose their children and children losing both their parents and their siblings. The aggression of the White Fang didn't help in the slightest either."[/color] Skyra shrugged and sighed. [color=f7976a]"My weapons are pretty precious to me, you know. It's the only thing I have left of my mother. She, apparently, was a general once, you know, in the war. These weapons..."[/color], she activated the energy blades of the two swords. [color=f7976a]"These weapons belonged to her, but I barely even knew her. When I was, like 2 or something, both my parents were assassinated. Luckily, because of their ties to the Blue Dragon Order, I got 'adopted', more or less. Ever since I've been looking for traces of who might have killed my parents, but I realized, I'm not strong enough yet, so that's why I am here."[/color] Finishing up her story Skyra looked intently at Mokuren. [color=f7976a]"See, that's why I take so much care of my weapons. They are my only link to the past. In fact, I'd build a shrine for them, if I didn't need them. What's your story then, Moku? Why are you here?"[/color] She tilted her head and blinked at the fox-girl.