[color=#104E8B][h1][center] Sila Chanthavong [/center][/h1][/color][h1][center]Haven[/center][/h1] [hr] [color=#104E8B]"You can make it another day," [/color]Sila whispered to himself as he lay on the hard floor of an abandoned home in Haven's center. Haven was the latest encampment that he had come across on his missionary journey to aid survivors in the fight against the undead. Sila sometimes liked to equate his nomadic trek away from his family to the trip that Paul the Apostle took to visit the surrounding areas of Israel, but if he was completely honest with himself, this was just a selfish escapade to keep his mind off of his family and all the other people that he left without saying bye to. It had been over eight months since he had a night of sleep that was uninterrupted, and although life as the world knew it ended only about two months ago, Sila's life on the road began eight months before that. A full night of sleep started to feel like an elusive animal to him, and he had no tools to capture it. Part of this angst was due to the looming threat of a virus that turned humans to flesh-eating beasts, and the other part was attributed to the guilt of not being with his family. There still has not been a day that passed where he didn't rack his brain of thoughts of his mother, four aunts, and countless cousins that he considered to be his own little brothers and sisters. How desperately Sila wanted to be with his family, protecting and comforting them, but he had to settle with the thought that his cousins were taking that responsibility. Movement outside by the church broke Sila out of his deep thought. He had to break the habit of doing that if he was going to survive. In this world, retreating into deep thought isn't an option for safety when an undead is trying to tear your face off. He peered outside his makeshift home to find Janette Allen on the steps of the church, obviously thinking to herself. Sila met Janette soon after he arrived at Haven. After expressing that he was a chef and that he wanted to help keep the encampment in the top nutritional health, he got the feeling that he was a little bit more welcome, and that put his mind at ease. Sila sat back down to relax before the day started, and continued to fill his mind with thoughts for the day and how he could maximize the nutrition of the dwindling food supply that Janette kept track of. Winter was coming and food was key for survival. Up until two months ago, Sila never in his life had to worry about food, or where it would come from. [color=#104E8B]"It's time to learn how to survive," [/color]he sighed as he took a deep breath and picked himself up off the floor to get the day started.