Saina nodded as Gippal finished talking. She had observed their means of communication before after all, she had to admire their connection truly. Her head turned as Sifen approached and the two began to talk in fluent Al Bhed. She blinked, looking between the two of them before finding herself zoning out and walking away from them. She really didn't understand what they were saying, other than one word being 'signed,' something she'd picked up in the many books she read when she was younger. She looked around the temple, breathing in the thick tropical air deeply as she approached one of the many stone tablets covered in inscriptions and runes. Bowing her head, she clasped her hands together and let the feeling of peace well within her. She tuned out their conversation, focusing on the hymn of the fayth and allowing it to infect her state of mind. A few memories ran through her mind, causing her gloved fingers to clasp together tightly. Saina lifted her head to quietly peer over her shoulder at Eva clinging to Gippal, betraying no emotions. She stared at her like that, her eyes slightly narrowed before turning her head back to the tablets, her lips slightly parted. Her shoulders fell as though a weight was slowly placed upon them and her hands dropped to her sides. After a moment, her fingers traced the sphere in her pocket... and she clenched that hand into a fist. Her focus returned to reality as she tuned back in to Gippal and Sifen's conversation when they switched over to speaking spiran once more. Saina's hand relaxed and she turned back to them before stepping slowly to be beside Gippal. She followed him as he went to the rooms and leaned on the wall across from him with her arms folded and one leg propped up against the wall. She observed Eva clinging to him with dull eyes and a spark of something rather... spiteful in her stomach. When he spoke up about how calm Eva was though, her eyes lightened up some and she nodded in agreeance. As he spoke to the priest, she looked around the room and took a deep breath before closing her eyes.