Hi, i'm interested... a-and i made this cs as well [hider=Ezzy] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/fb/82/29/fb8229568e3ecd5159e9f55a580bbe6f.jpg[/img] Name: Ezekiel "Ezzy" Hanar Gender: Male Age: 14 About Me: Ezzy has been living in back alleys and side streets since he was 8. he was taken in by a small gang and lived with them, picking pockets and occasionally mugging someone that wandered into the alley. his abilities were noted by some KD operatives he'd attempted to steal from, and they picked him up right then...after they chased him down for about an hour. Ability: [color=630460]Blink[/color] Ezzy is capable of making short range teleports in any direction. though he cannot teleport through walls, there must be open space between him and his destination. Skills:[list] [*]Skilled with a knife [*]Agile [*]Pickpocket [/list] [/hider]