[u][b]Luke Schwarz[/b][/u] [i]Sphincter Shattered![/i] He offered his contributions to the pile mentally, as half of the Last fight of the day's pair struggled to find her volume switch. Or rather, didn't bother checking it at all. It was a good fight, that much was evident, but sheesh. Talk about being [i]amped[/i]. He still wasn't sure he understood how people could possibly have so much... fun, fighting for what easily could be their life, despite having only just experienced the strange rush himself. To be honest, Luke found himself to always be like the great Iron Mike going in: Utterly, [i]utterly[/i] terrified. He may have handled it well, but he never went into combat without being scared. Calm demeanor aside. Forgiving-of-failure semblance aside. At times too analytical mind aside. It really wasn't quite so... [i]fun[/i] as it was terror-inducing. [i]Was it? [/i] He'd always thought that way, but he couldn't deny the thrill of that final staredown with Shiro... Tossing his head back over his shoulder, he looked at the pair behind him, catching what he could of their eye behind copious swelling. [b]"Yeah, great fight back there. You guys'd be scary to be on the bad side of."[/b]