Okay. Hi guys. This is a pester-post. A semi-deserved kick-in-the-ass. It's been a while, and posts are slow. I really, [i]really[/i] love this RP. I love the setting, I love the characters we've got, and I don't want to see it die. I completely realize that you guys have lives to live. And real life is always going to come first. If it's an issue of motivation or inspiration, that's a little tougher to combat. I can't force my own interest onto others to get them going again. So if this is the case, I ask that you please let us know. Pretty please But if it's an issue of organization...I can help! Maybe you just don't know it's your turn to post or something. Or maybe you just need a shove. I apologize for pestering, buuuuut...I'm impatient. XD So. I'm waiting on [@yoshiskittlez] to make a Deon post for Vander [@Lev] is waiting on [@Darkmatter] to make a Wikus post for Audrey [@Sypherkhode822], I'm not sure who you're waiting on. Just another plot hook? [@Dymion] and [@Leb] are waiting on [@Heat] to make a Derrick post for Ada and Elizabeth Between Kate and Alexander / Roman, I'm not sure whose turn it is to post. Yoshi, or [@Archangel89]. Guys? Poor [@Ghost Shadow] has only been able to make one post for Cerberus. [@Annasiel], not really waiting on anyone? Just for the story to progress a little more yet, right? On a positive note, though, we only have one user unaccounted for! [@The Red Zephyr], any chance of a post from you? :) Hopefully this is helpful, and not just obnoxious or annoying. If you guys have any ideas or random brainstorms, post them in here, too. Even if it's just crazy potential character interactions that may or may not happen, fueling the OOC chat does help everyone stay engaged. :)