[color=f26522][h1]Celadon[/h1][/color] Celadon tried to repress a chuckle when Mayonaka collapsed upon him. There wasn’t even the smallest doubt in his mind that Mayonaka was indeed a child. One who had just experienced either a sugar rush or realising that there wasn’t really any authority here if Celadon wasn’t mistaken. [color=f26522]“Couldn’t agree more.”[/color] Celadon nodded to the reptilian looking person. [color=f26522]“Still a bit too snowy out there really, that is if you don’t mind of course Elurra?”[/color] “Although looking at us I think that if anyone meant us harm I think we could handle ourselves.” At this point he too gently slid into a lying position, very gently so as not too wake up the sleep Mayonaka, trying to get comfortable upon the surprisingly warm floor. [color=f26522]“I suppose we could use the time to get to know each other.”[/color] Celadon suggested and looked towards the person backed up against the wall in fright. [color=f26522]“Might help relax the mood somewhat as we await the storm to pass us.” [/color] If that’s how time passed anyway considering Elurras previous statement about time not passing whilst they were inside. The statement itself was odd considering that Celadon could hear both his clock ticking away still and the howling window outside trying to sneak in. Maybe he could try to dispel the snow storm with a thunderstorm? [color=f26522]“As I’ve said before I’m Celadon.”[/color] He began as nobody else seemed all too enthusiastic just at the moment. “[color=f26522]I’m an Ethereal Tiger Fox from Keingry where I’m a guardian and child minder when the parents are busy with the harvest.”[/color] Here he did chuckle quietly and flicked his tail absently making the ribbons tied up flutter excitedly.