Flag: [img]http://i.imgur.com/AugJnSt.png[/img] "The light in the dark." [hider=Government and Economy] Type of Government: Semi-Democratic republic [previously Totalitarian-Communist]. A government for the people, by the people. However, in times of crisis, the current head of state may evoke a “Red Alert” status and become a lone head of state. There are some restrictions, though. -A Code Red may not be established unless there is immediate and unequivocal threat to the country or her people though use of war or otherwise. -A Code Red may only be instituted if the current parliament agree that the Prime minister at the time is of sound mind and body and not for any political or financial gain. -A Code Red scenario will be stepped-down once deemed that the threat that caused the Code red to be implemented may be, without doubt, diverted, destroyed to negotiated with. Once the Code Red is stepped-down the current head of state must immediately step down and relinquish all citizenry rights and privileges until such a time that can be established that invoking the Code Red doctrine was, at the time, the best course for the peoples of Kuldarra. They will be imprisoned at a secret location, unknown to all except the Prim minster themselves. In the mean time, the parliament will act as the governing party until the next election. -The Code Red, under no circumstances, will be used to limit the citizens rights, freedoms or liberty's and may only be used to order the military into action and to limit the loss of civilian life by evacuation or forced closure. -A Code Red will be used in defense only. Under no circumstances will a Code Red be used to instigate a conflict with any other nations and only if the civilian population, at large, is at risk. Head(s) of Government: The current Prime Minister is the official head of state. They may propose a law or bill, have it drawn and present it to congress. Congress acts as advisers and general utilities to assist the Prime Minister in drawing and implementing laws. They also have the power to demand the Prime Minister relinquish his leadership if they are not satisfactory to the commonwealth of the country. Economy: Generally positive with a current upward trend. The country is exporting goods at a fair rate that is also generating income. Taxes are at a low rate for the citizens as most government programs are government funded. [/hider] [hider=History, Demographics, and Culture.] Primary Species: Doucall. A race of essentially humans, however, they have evolved in a very cold climate so they have a thin layer of a fur like covering over their bodies, a naturally higher body temperature and greater sense of smell. Population: Six million Culture: (This is often the most neglected, yet most important section. How you fill this out determines how other nations see you and how the normal people in your nation will act in nearly every situation. What norms have been prevalent, what acts are taboos? Why have these things come about? Try to remember culture is a vital part of any NS.) Religious and other Beliefs: Sadly, the old Communist regime banned religion and all worship of gods. All records of the old religions have been lost. However, there are certain groups of people that are forming new religions that, while some are downright silly, are now a part of the culture. History: 1820- During a riot opposing the current regime, the chairman !!REDACTED!! Ordered the 1st Chairman's Guard Regiment [Later renamed to the 1st Honor Guards Battalion] to open fire on the mob, killing over three hundred and fifty people. He then placed the military on secondary alert and later ordered all protesters and rioters, that participated that day, killed. Within the month, over twenty thousand civilians were murdered and butchered in their homes with a further ten thousand solders taking their own lives or defecting to neighboring nations. Within the next month, the Chairman had been killed and had his corpse paraded around the entire city on a wagon. The chairman office was also burned to the ground and looted. It is because of this that 1820 became known as “The Blood Year.” 1825- Goram Kutchu, became the first Prime minster of Kuldaraa winning the first peoples-held election of heads of state. He inspired the first industrial revolution into steels and other metals, plastics and new-age composite materials. He also drew up the Code Red doctrine and several other bills that, with parliaments approval, led to equal divination of wealth among all the populace, destroying classicism and ushering in a new age of piece for the country. 1830- Goram Kutchu is elected for a second time, much to the peoples great joy, and makes a speech about the standard of life in Kaldarra. This speech is so empowering that the country erected a 50 foot statue of him in front of the newly constructed Parliament Hall. Goram is quoted saying “To hell with the statue. What I want is your bellies full and your homes warm.” Within two years, Kaldarra was no longer at a deficit and was now exporting goods to other countries, however the borders were still closed. 1833- Goram Kutchu is killed on his way from Parliament Hall to his home. This causes mass-panic and a wicked manhunt for those responsible, nearly inciting a riot. Three weeks later, the two perpetrators are found and publicly executed by firing-squad. It is the first public execution in 300 years. They are affiliated with a known group that opposes the Democratic Republic and support the old Communist leadership. This group is known as the Red Dawn. 1835- Kathkor Mikmal is elected. 1836- The Red Dawn have garnered enough support to defy the current leadership and split the country into two parts, East and West. KathKor immediately refuses the idea, claiming that the new way is the best way and that this new Democratic Republic has everyone's best interests at heart. Two days later, war is declared on the Democratic Republic of Kaldarra by the Red Dawn, effectively drawing a battle-line down the center of the country. War begins. 1839- The Red dawn has established a foothold inside the capitol city of Makoba and is moving on Parliament Hill. The timely assistance of the 42nd mounted regiment and the 16th cannons stopped the total annihilation of the country's new identity. The Red Dawn is routed and, no longer able to continue their assault, surrender unconditionally. The leaders of the Red Dawn and their lieutenants are publicly executed by firing squad in the shadow of Gorgam Kutchu's statue. This marks the second public display of law within 10 years. The final casualty count for the war of 1835 is: 25000 KIA, 75000 Wounded or mentally crippled. 6000 civilians injured or killed. The country, however, maintains it's upward trend. 1840- Tinga Mosh is elected. Nothing significant or of note happens. He has a successful five years and decides not to run again. 1845- Momusu Gammita wins the election by a small margin, largely due to the other parties unpopularity and unfavorable opinions. 1846- Prime minster Momusu declares publicly that shifting the country to a democratic government was a mistake. There is large amounts of outrage at this statement and the public immediately pushes for a re-election or for Momusu to step-down from power. Momusu declines and doubles his guard. One week later, the public, at large, march on Parliament Hill. Momusu orders the 1st Honor Guards Battalion to open fire. The solders at-large refuse, instead laying down their weapons. The mob, stunned by the solders unwillingness to kill them, stop and observe. Momusu, enraged by the blatant act of defiance, draws his own weapon and murders one of the solders. The mob then breaches the compound and rushes Momusu. Six hours later, the crowd is dispersed, by non-lethal means and Momusu is brought to a hospital. It is reported that he had over three hundred countable injuries including broken bones and knife wounds. Momusu steps-down later that year, giving no comment as to why. He is later charged with murder in the second degree and sentenced to life in prison. He will later die behind bars. 1850- Krissa Lipita is elected as the first female Prime minister. The parliament is wary of her and refuses several bills she drew that would have increased the general quality of life of the country. Nothing else of note happens within her term. 1855- Krissa Lipita is elected for a second term. She introduces several bills, one of witch propose a government-funded health care system. The bill is a resounding success and a statue of her is erected outside of Parliament Hall, next to Goram Kutchu. She seems generally pleased with this and later organizes centers for youths to take part in activities and better improve the general fitness of the country. 1860- Krissa Lipita is elected for a third term making her the only Prime Minister in history to ever be elected three times in a row. Nothing significant happens in this term and she decides not to run again. 1865- Tungo Qual Is elected. He makes plans to expand the countries agriculture and military power. The first prototype of the internal combustion engine is created. 1868- Tungo Qual sees the potential in an armored infantry vehicle or armored offensive vehicle and commissions the petrol engine for full-scale refinement and improvement. 1870- Gurtch Robit is elected. He continues Tungo Qual's plans to grow the country. 1874- The first armored fighting vehicle is built and tested. Unfortunately, one of the pistons on the engine crack and send sparks into the fighting compartment where the charges, to fire the cannon, caught fire and exploded, killing the crew and wounding several spectators. All production and testing was immediately halted until an engine could be built that could withstand the stresses put on it by a tracker [our version of tanks]. 1875- Tungo Qual is elected and demands that an engine be designed and built for an affordable automobile that is safe and fuel efficient. Seeing the potential in this, Kingsman's Engineering puts forward the first design and wins the contract, building 20000 within the first year. Nothing else of note happens within this term. 1880- [/hider] [hider=Geography, Agriculture, and Industry] Territory: Roughly on the equator on the western continent. It is currently the second largest country on the planet. Climate: Very hot summers but, due to the location on the equator, winter is only a small drop in temperature. Many trees, mountains and valleys with rivers and lakes all throughout the land. There is also a plot of desert along the southern strip, roughly 100km wide. Cities, bases, etc: Capitol: Makoba. [Will be putting up a map]. Agriculture: Goverment assisted farms, where farmers may contract out workers or equipment on a per-season basis. Industry: Heavy industry. Oil, paint, metal, wood, everything a stable country would need, with a large amount of overstock. There are mineral, oil and metal deposits all thought the ground and surrounding water. [/hider] [hider=Military] Military: (I don’t really have a set way for you to do this, and people usually tend to differ a lot in these sections. So have some freedom, write what you like, but don’t abuse it.) [/hider]