WIP [b]The Holy Tzardom of Novgorod[/b] Flag: [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/ce/Flag_of_Veliky_Novgorod.svg[/img] [hider=Government and Economy] Type of Government: Totalitarian Eccelesiastical Autocracy. meaning that the Head of state is not only the head of the Church and state but also has full control of all military forces directly (although in recent years his military powers have been delegated to the High Command of the Holy Novgorodian armed forces.) Head(s) of Government:The Highest position in the government is Tzar whom is regarded not only as the king and leader of the Novgorod but also as a God on earth and it is believed his word is the word of god. The Title is currently held by His Holy Majesty, Great Prophet of the Holy Temple, Keeper of the Holy Canon Code, and Autocrat of all the Novgorods Igor the 2nd. Economy:IN the past the Novgorodian economy was that of a manorialism. but due to the reforms of Tzar Pytor The Great the system of manoralism was abolished cutting out the middle man consisting of the nobility and aristocracy. In its place Pytor replaced it with a form of state capitalism in which the economy is controlled by the government with the private citizen allowed to form and run businesses but under the condition that the state recives the profit and the citizen is paid a percentage of these profits depending on the area of business and merit of the person. [/hider] [hider=History, Demographics, and Culture.] Primary Species: Dwarves Population:roughly 89 million Culture: Religious and other Beliefs: The history of the religious movement in Novgorod is one closley linked with the history of the nation itself.According to the records found within the Temple of the Great Prophet the since its founding the Tsars of Novgorod has always been considered the Prophets of the Dwarven faith. the church and state both trace their history back to When Tsar Rurik descended from the caves of Mount Gora followed by the first dwarves of Novgorod. It was there upon the peak of Gora he Declared the founding of the Holy Tsardom of Novgorod. it was also there upon the peak of Gora he wrote the first of the Holy Canon codes detailing both the religious and governing laws of Novgorod. since the line of Tsars have all had a direct line of descendance to Rurik. History: (This is one section you really can’t fill out alone. Iron Rain is indisputably a sandbox in that you’ve only been given vague details and a theme. So it is VITAL you collaborate with your neighbours and other players not just to craft your own history, but to craft the history of the greater world around you.) [/hider] [hider=Geography, Agriculture, and Industry] Territory: (Be considerate of others, but also be aware we need space filled. Put your map claim here.) Climate:As novgorod stretchs across so vast a area it ranges widley from the frozen snowy taigia in the north to the pleasent and temperate steppes in the south. Cities, bases, etc: The largest of the cities is Moskoviya a city built onto the grand Mountain of Gora. originally the city was restricted to the inside of the mountain in its many caverns and tunnels of which the dwarves have developed and carved out. Since then it has grown to a large fortress spreading from the heart of the mountain to it foothills. Other cities of note are: Krylatka, Kiyev, Finally of Note is the Oblast a large military complex in the heart of Novgorods wilderness Sibir. it is in this fortress that the Novgorodian's High Command studies and develops experimental weapons and tactics in complete secrecy away from the prying eyes of civilization. Agriculture:The Novgorodian agriculture is one of low variety and basic foodstuffs. the main grown food (aside from cattle, pigs and other domesticated animals.) is Rye and Barley the only cereal crops hardy enough to survive the chilling winds and harsh conditions of the steppes in the south from which most of novgorod's food comes from. Industry:In the past Novgorod was a mainly agricultural nation far behind the advancement of other cultures. this was up until the Reforms of Igor the First and the massive industrialization of novgorod began.mainly focussing on the arms industry novgorod's economy is still based on agriculture and harvesting its vast amounts of raw materials (such as wood iron and even a few gold deposits) and using them to trade for the pieces which their industry is not yet capable of manufacturing. As much as the Novgorods like to say they are self sufficent it is without such imported goods the novgorod industrization would be slowed to almost a halt. [/hider] [hider=Military] Military:The Novgorodian Military has a long glorious history of triumphant victories against the various heretics and non believers which from their founding have surrounded them. this military dedication has been the cause of years of a forced meritocracy in the military and a forced draft of any and all able bodied men for 5 years active military service and 10 years in reserves aswell as a required membership in the local militia until the age of 60. this combined with a large population has swelled the Novgorod armed forces to a massive 2.25 million troops and a 5 million in both reserves with more men serving in national guard and in local militias.Another of Novgorods grand advancements in military might is their and effective use of artillery barrages backed up by a infantry assault after. While most of novgorods weapons are made in odesh they still are of dwarven design which is reknown for their robust design and high powered rounds. some of the novgorodian weapons are as follows: Vintovka M1903: Invented by the novgorod captain Sergei Vintovka after seeing the massive amount of firepower the Odesh troops brought to bear with their OD1901 Repeater Vintovka went on to design the Vintovka. The stock is made out of imported novgorodian hardwood making the weapons very heavy but useful in famous novgorod infantry assaults being wielded as a club by the dwarven troops.firing the heavy 7.92x57mm giving the rifle good penetration and stopping power but it has been complained y new recruits to be too hard on recoil. M1896 Leon: Designed by Novgorodian Industrialist Boris Leon the "Leon Revolver" as it known by novgorod troops is also known for its reliability and high stopping power firing the 7.62mm leon round the marvel of its engineering is a "gas seal" action which when the hammer is cocked it pushes the chamber forward allowing it in theory to be surpressed which is imposssible in conventional revolvers. while popular during its time it has slowly being replaced in the officer class by the private purchase of the odeshian Wallace Repeater. Dwarven Troops: [img]http://stonecoldlead.webs.com/photos/Weird-Wars/ruski%20dwarves%20montage.jpg[/img] One thing that the Novgorod military lacks is a large and modern navy due to this the Novgorodian navy is not much of a power on the sea leaving the nation open to both blockade and amphibious attack. list of novgorodian ships according to the High Novgorod Admirality 3 experimental dreadnoughts, 7 cruisers, 59 destroyer-leaders and squadron-destroyers, 109 submarines, [/hider]