After extensively reading through the files multiple times Charles knew exactly who the person standing before him was. Well he knew one of them, as for the other he hadn’t the foggiest. Which in his line of work meant he wasn’t doing a good enough job. “I hate to be rude but.” Charles then took a moment to look back up at the dragon eating away at the plane. “I think that it’s quiet obvious that a dragon happened.” A few other members of TIGER had taken Charles’ lead in terms of gathering up their equipment and converging rapidly to one another. Already they were discussing between one another with very few words to formulate some sort of plan and strategy on what to do next. Frankly Charles hoped that at some point they would include him in what it was they were doing. “With that out of the way I’m Charles. I was scheduled to be transferred to team MERCY earlier, however something cropped up so it was decided that I would be dropped off by TIGER. Which lead us to where we are now currently.” This was his very bare summary of events up to the moment. “And you are Zesiro.” It was more of a statement than a question. “Pleasure to meet you. I would shake your hand but unfortunately my hands are a bit full. In both senses of the word I might add.” “And you might be?” Charles addressed the stranger as Zesiro handed them a very odd looking gun.