[b]Name:[/b] Jodha Mariam Kunwari of Amer [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Nation of Birth:[/b] Harocrint [b]Appearance:[/b] A woman a number of years into the prime of her life, Jodha is not particularly remarkable in her appearance, but exudes an aura of warmth that resonates well with the light fairness of her visage. She is olive-skinned and in possession of chocolate brown locks that have been tied back into a neat ponytail, and two simple, emerald earrings (similar in shade to the irises of her kindly eyes) adorn her earlobes, the only real eye catchers for the modest-seeming, lightly-groomed woman. Standing at a height of one metre ninety, she towers over a number of her compatriots, especially with a fit body honed from years of work on farmsteads and in her local militia. It is a build that is only lightly emphasised by her preferences in simple clothes, which consist usually of a dull orange qamis tunic, beige shalwar trousers and from time to a flowing green scarf. Due to her former employment with the militia, she has made sure to sew for herself more resistant clothing, having also implemented mail into her outfit in case of danger. [b]Personality:[/b] A warm and kindly figure, it is altruism and love for her fellows that drives Jodha in her actions; always seeking to assist and support those she can. She will always be willing to lend an ear to the needy, always ready to empathise and care. Indeed, the collected woman is a constant bastion of maturity and patience, a gentle soul for all her friends. The Harocrint-born woman is a person who takes to life in a relaxed manner, happily engaging in activities with bright enthusiasm. Few things can shake at her almost-maternal demeanour, but if driven to anger, she can be incredibly intense, burning with a rage fuelled by her determination to do right by her morals and friends. Her sense of humour is quite expansive, but her jokes can be especially embarrassing to listen to, especially with how bad they are. [b]History:[/b] The second-born of the head of the small village of Amer, Jodha spent much of her youth undergoing a rather extensive education under the tutelage of local imam, who helped her develop strong administrative skills and furthered her curiosity into the nature of the world, teachings that befitted her position and allowed her to support her family in the running of the village council. For a time, this was essentially her life: doing farm work by day and studying by night, a simple routine that would not be interrupted until the age of sixteen. It was during her first years as an adult that the famine came, bringing widespread suffering to the western plains of Harocrint. A drought had laid low crops across the country, and desertification seemed to increase in the border regions. These factors brought the western plains into conflict, with the sedentary villages soon finding themselves fighting off raids by pastoral clans in a struggle for fertile soil. Jodha's village, alongside numerous others, established a militia to defend themselves, and she found herself joining up with one, fighting to defend the land her family had toiled upon for centuries. It would be during these conflicts that she distinguished herself as more than just an administrator, and when the ethnic tensions began to boil down a few years later, she was granted the position of the local militia's second-in-command, serving as a liaison between villages in its sphere of influence. It was a duty she performed with much vigour, and even now considers to hold considerable influence with the local militia as a trusted advisor. [b]Possessions:[/b] [list][*]Hatchet [*]Lion Emblem of the Militia [*]Holy Book [*]Water Canteen[/list] [b]Sword:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/bCyQFD8.jpg[/img] [i]{Sword Power 1}[/i] As a blade modelled after the "spine-splitter", it is capable of dividing anything into two upon contact as long as the wielder wishes that such an act is performed. [i]{Sword Power 2}[/i] It is also capable of distinguishing between ethical absolutes, providing its wielder with the wisdom to discern the true motives of other people and whether or not said motives and the actions undertaken to fulfil them is right or wrong. [i]{Sword Power 3}[/i] Said to possess a celestial nature, the sword also provides its wielder with the ability to communicate telepathically with other humans.