Also putting up a cs. [hider=CS] [img][/img] [b]Name:[/b] Damian Stiles [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]About Me:[/b] Damian was born to parents who were particularly well off. Even from a young age, Damian had a way of getting what he wanted. Around his eighth birthday, he suddenly found he could get people to do what he wanted more easily. Because of the nature of his power, his abilities never really captured much attention. It wasn't until Damian tried to manipulate a KD operative that he was "recruited". Since then, Damian has [i]slightly[/i] matured, and views himself like some sort of James Bond. [b]Ability:[/b] [color=fff200]Mental Suggestion:[/color] Damian is able to, in layman's terms, put thoughts into other people's heads. At short range, he is able to directly put suggestions into an unsuspecting person. However, at long range, he has to use a sort of "mental dart" that isn't as strong, and can only transmit one thought. Also, suggestions that are a bit more extreme, such as "I want to kill myself", are easily identified as foreign thought, and ignored. [b]Skills:[/b] [color=fff200]Socially Adept:[/color] Damian has always been socially aware. In addition to being able to read people well, he is also charismatic in his own right. [color=fff200]Expert Marksman:[/color] While Damian considers combat to be beneath him, he has chosen to train in pistol use for his own safety, and has found he has great aim. This also works well for firing his mental darts. [color=fff200]Willful:[/color] Aware of how his power can effect people, Damian has taken great efforts to ensure he is never controlled mentally. Much of his training has consisted of coming to know himself, and he is able to hold onto his identity under stress and mental attack. [/hider]