[hider=Vincent]Name: Vincent Conrad Age:29 Profession/Trade:Ex military, hired as escort Skills/traits: Even though he is slow to make friends, Vincent is extremely loyal to the few who have earned that title. While in the military Vincent was offered a transfer to the sniper corps, but instead opted for the k-9 division, where he increased his sharpshooter skills, learning to make excellent shots at close and medium range, developing his own combat style around firing into combat with his hound. Vincent will do anything he an to get the job done, and often comes up with innovative solutions, a skill he picked up growing up on the streets The military put him and his hound through various wilderness survival exercises, where he excelled beyond expectations. Vincent never really had much official education, learning most of what he knows growing up on the streets, and the rest in the military. Vincent tends to be a little closed mouthed, speaking little and usually in short sentences, causing him to seem a little abrasive. 10 years in the military has left Vincent with the feeling that he has seen it all. Vincent has little patience for what he considers idiocy, and tends to snap at them with little to no provocation. Equipment: Light leather armor (Primarily protects torso, minor arm and upper leg guards) Rifle (lever action, 5 round magazine, highly accurate) Large knife Pack normally holds - 5 days food/water, rope, 3 spare magazines (one of which is usually on belt, easily accesible) spare clothes, 3 potions, 2 revives, 4 pokeballs Appearance:[hider=Appearance][img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSffcdS4h3wv1juSF5mMpg7fhxZmxBkLKFgz36gfWF6o4l2TAZfHA[/img][/hider] Vincent is a tall man, coming in at just over 6 feet tall with a lithe, athletic build. His Stetson normally hides his close cropped sandy hair, but not his stern ice blue eyes that seem to see right through you. Personality: A life in the military has taught the value of getting the job done right if he is going to do it at all. He may not be the smartest guy around, but he always finds a to get the job finished. He can usually find a way to take what he has and make it work, and he won't let anything get in his way. Even though he comes off as rather callous, he has his own sense of chivalry, and gets angry if he catches someone being rude or abusive, especially to women. Having just come out of the military a few months ago, this was his first major opportunity to put the skills he developed there to proper use, having just been on site security until now. He hopes that in doing this job he will find a direction for him to take his life. Background: Growing up in the slums didn't really offer many choices for kids to lead a happy productive life, so naturally Vincent joined one of the gangs that roamed the streets, his natural affinity for violence led him to be one of the leading enforcers in a gang known as the Raptors, though he always made a point not to involve bystanders. At 17, he was on a routine shakedown when a rival gang jumped him and the brawl spilled out into the street. In the ensuing fight, Vincent accidentally injured a little girl. During the altercation, the military was called in and arrested Vincent, who didn't even put up a fight, vowing he would never allow another woman to be harmed if he could help it. Lt. Cobb, the arresting officer, sensed the potential in young Vincent, offered him a choice. Join the military, or go to jail for a very long time. Wracked with guilt he ran to the only place that would take him. The military showed him a better way, a way out. While in the military he transferred to the K-9 corps, where he developed his love for pokemon, and when he transferred out, he immediately went and caught his own. Throughout all of this he had stayed in contact with Lt. Cobb, the man to whom he owes his life, and when he had finished his second 5 year tour in the military, LT. Cobb told him of the position as security guard at the university. Pokemon Species: Houndour Name: Helios Ability: Early Bird Moves: Appearance: Other: Species: Growlith Name: Hades Ability: Intimidate Moves: Appearance: Other: Species: Electrike Name: Thor Ability: Static Moves: Appearance: Other:[/hider]