[h2]Misaka Mikoto[/h2] "Yeah, sure, that's hat you call an innocent mixup," Mikoto said with a frown, folding her arms and giving Kuroko quite the look. Sure it was. SURE it was. That drink was totally not laced with any kind of weird plant extract designed for perverse purposes, or... Well, it's not like Mikoto had drank anything like that before. She wasn't going to chance it! It was a moment later that she heard Anette mentioning the whole 'status and reputation' thing. The brown-haired girl shifted gears, giving the foreign girl a smile as she turned to face her. "You don't have to worry about all that stuff," she said, waving her hand, "But if you really want to, you can come along." There was no harm in it, right? She was just going to pick out something nice to wear.