WIP WIP WIP [h2][center][color=greenyellow]Trawa[/color][/center][/h2] Flag: (Optional) [hider=Government and Economy] [b]Type of Government[/b] Democratic republic. This set up is relatively new to the Trawans as a mere twenty years ago it was a centuries long monarchy. It is a very simple set up currently. Each province is led by a governor. This governor is elected by the people. The governor elects three representatives to the nations senate. In turn, the senate elects a prime minister. The senate has a variety of committees that oversee various government functions such as finance, foreign affairs, and trade relations to name a few. [b]Head(s) of Government[/b] Prime minister Roderick Beradau [b]Economy[/b] Even with the poor state of the nation, its economy has stayed moderately strong due mainly to their innovative industry. Trawans flood the worlds market with easy to export weapons and commodities. [/hider] [hider=History, Demographics, and Culture.] Primary Species: Humanity Population: 45 million Culture: (This is often the most neglected, yet most important section. How you fill this out determines how other nations see you and how the normal people in your nation will act in nearly every situation. What norms have been prevalent, what acts are taboos? Why have these things come about? Try to remember culture is a vital part of any NS.) Religious and other Beliefs: Due to Trawa's central position, all faiths of the eastern world exists in some form within Trawan borders. The state however does no swear by any religion. History: Trawa is a long standing nation, tracing its roots to the 13th century... Sola war, ISO war, Bad deal for trawa [/hider] [hider=Geography, Agriculture, and industry] Trawa is a average sized nation located on the mid western edge of the eastern continent. It boasts mountains to its eastern borders and fertile plains in its heartland Climate: (Our world is warmer than Earth, but not by too much. Northern climates will have the same difficulties as they would have in the real world and other climates can be said to be much the same. Feel free to be detailed here; a temperature doesn’t make a climate so be specific about any geographical details.) Cities, bases, etc: The nation is divided in to ten provinces Agriculture: (Dependant on your climate and other factors, this can be shorter but as always detail means a better world to RP in.) Industry: Of the few things Trawans have to be proud of, their heavy industry is at the top. Massive factories with monstrous machines, conveyors and assembly lines pump out items ranging from pocket watches to aircraft. These objects are all well made yet still affordable on the global market. One of Trawa's foremost attributes is rich mineral deposits and extensive oil reserves. Some would say that having abundant materials gives them a superior position, they're completely right but that so called superiority has led to over confidence and over all loss. [/hider] [hider=Trawan Defense Force] Due to the conditions regarding the unconditional surrender a decade ago, the Trawan military is severely undermanned, operating at most 75,000 active personnel with another 50,000 in reserve. With such a low active military number for a nation of Trawa's size requires a shift from he average trained soldier to the highly trained warrior. From what observers have seen, Trawan boot camp is one of the most advanced courses to date, with the next level twice as difficult. Trawan soldiers are taught to operate any weapon on the battle and improvise when no traditional weapon is found, survive in harsh conditions with little to no rations, and above all else.. show no fear in the face of an enemy. Even with the intense training, one wont known how effective it truly is until it is put to the test. [color=Yellow][b]Army[/b][/color] The Trawan army is quite small for its population, a stipulation of its surrender. This has led to a focus on defensive technologies to halt enemies and win through attrition. They use a straight pull bolt action rifle and have recently developed a automatic rifle but it is not as reliable as it could be. Machineguns are common in the Trawan doctrine as well as field guns, covered by huge batteries far behind the front line. [img]https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTjYHtfBAtPiN7dy6KpLNmJ46Hd1ZIHy5BCfBlM8qDranJ4nRyi[/img] [img]http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--5mI0CXfZ--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/dbvquaps6lbgzml05zw5.png[/img] [i]Trawan 16.5cm Heavy gun[/i] [color=orange][b]Air corps[/b][/color] Trawan air forces are pushing the limits of flight technology. Planes of just about every configuration have been tested to date. The most amusing being the five engine, twelve wing dual hull bomber. It made It off the ground and for a moment, there was promise that this could change the world.. It did not. After examining the wreckage, they were able to refine the dual and triple wing designs for fighter aircraft however the large hull, multi prop air design has been put back to the drawing board. Airships of all practical sizes exist within the nations borders and are usually loaded with bombs and machine gun ports. [color=Aqua][b]Navy[/b][/color] The Trawan navy was at one point, one of the largest surface fleets on the globe. After the great war though, this number was cut severely. Many of its surviving battleships either captured or scuttled. After the war, the severe limitations placed upon Trawa prevented massive battleships from production and a tonnage limit removed any chance of a legal large navy. They worked around this with the onset of the submarine. The Trawans poured a vast fortune in to the submarine and using their relatively light tonnage due to the lack of heavy surface ship armor, was able to create a vast fleet of these famed undersea predators. [img]http://www.bluebird-electric.net/submarines/submarine_pictures/German_U25_atlantic_patrol_surfacing_undersea_boat_unter_sea_boot.jpg[/img] Trawan SB 42[/hider]