[b]games master Sheldon[/b] GM Sheldon returned to the arena after sometime. He soon had the attention of the crowd again, and grinned [color=ec008c]"well! I have reviewed the event and these are the scores! This is unusual, but after some debate, I have decided to give Amelia, of Phoenix Wing A, the full ten points! She showed true loyalty and kindness to her guild, stepping in when Miss Sasha was unable to participate, and that shows great character. Do not fear, though. Luna of Iron Enigma always gets ten points for such an amazing time in the maze! Xyster of Frenzy plant gets 8 points, for stepping in and preventing chaos when that air ship crashed, as well as for her battles in the event. Nash of tough love gets 7 points, again for helping save the city from damage by preventing the airship causing havoc! Delsin of riders blade receives six points, Ammy of dragon fang receives five, Angelo of Phoenix wing B recieves four and merlina of pirate lord three! What an exciting event! The battles will start shortly!" [/color] [b]michael[/b] Michael squirmed slightly, but managed to say a [color=00a651]"n-n-nice to m-m-meet you"[/color] with barely any stuttering. Michael found it hard to speak with people he didn't know, but more so guys. He shifted just slightly closer to Zephyr, choosing familiar over strange. He hoped Ryan didn't take any offense to it. [color=00a651]"I didn't think you c-c-could b-bet on the g-games"[/color] he said [b]tidius[/b] That as interesting. Clearly, the girl had had some form of this power as a child. Or that was the conclusion tidius game too. [color=0072bc]"fascinating. Are you sure you were imaginary though?"[/color] he asked, glancing to Ariel wondering just how far her powers ranged. It was getting harder to think of why he should give her back to her guild. [b]jarvis[/b] Without a word to Jamie, Jarvis knelt and gently picked up Amelia, not wanting to cause her any pain. Jamie bowed her head, and didn't say anything. There wasn't really anything that he could say at the moment. Jarvis started to the medics, trying not to jostle Amelia too much