[center][img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/answers/3380000/3380551_1381149278905.65res_300_300.jpg[/img] [h2]Team Jun: Gin Kakiyama, Somewhere near Tonaka Castle[/h2][/center] [h2]Henge Clones:[/h2] The Chihiro clone would point up towards Yopparai, who had given chase to them. While the Gin clone would stay close to the group, looking behind, fear in it's eyes. [i]'I'm gonna kill the boss for bringing me into this shitstorm he signed up for. I WAS ONLY SUPPOSED TO BE USED TO SPY ON THE WOMEN'S BATHHOUSES NOT THIS!'[/i] It thought as it consistently looked back at the drunkard, tears in it's eyes. They moved down the alley way as Yopparai gave chase, three down from where the real Gin sat and waited. As they turned the corner they could hear the voice of a familiar and dangerous man. [color=9e005d]“Ohh, Hyuga-chaaan!”[/color] The clone that was being carried screamed as it saw Yopparai descend upon them as the one that was carrying the other looked up in shock. It met its fate but did its purpose. Gin didn't have quite a good idea where he was but with the explosion that he heard in the distance and the information that was passed along, Gin was able to pinpoint him about three alleyways down from him. [h2]Gin Kakiyama[/h2] [color=00aeef]"Jun...where the hell are you guys."[/color] He silently growled into the mic. He moved down another alleyway opposite of the one he had stayed in, his movements silent as the night they came to the Tonaka Castle. As the clones were distracting the Drunkard. He could here the swordsmen some ways down from him. the only way he knew that was from the whiny sound that Yopparai gave off. [color=9e005d] “Tsukiya-chaaaan! They made clones! Those fuckers made clones! I'll need you to sense the real position of these bastards with your bloodlens lemmet so I can explode some stuff. Pretty-please?” [/color]. He could hear in the distance the annoying voice of Yopparai. [color=00aeef][i]'I could make this work.'[/i][/color] His eyes focused in down the way to where he could make out a silhouette of what could only be assumed as Yopparrai. He formed another clone, this time fitted with his grid wire. He held one end of it and brought his hands together to form his seals. [i][color=00aeef]'Mist Art: Mist Senbon Barrage'[/color][/i] Pars of the Mist above where Yopparrai stood began to form into condense senbon needles and descended quickly upon Yopparrai in hopes that he would move his way. before he would pass over the alleyway as he would hop over the buildings, the clone would jump high, crashing into him, exploding into water as the real Gin would pump lightning chakra into the wire that would entangle the Drunkard and shock him immensely. Should Yopparai find his way down to Gin, the clones only objective was to Kamekazi into the drunkard and allow for Gin to shock him into a numbness. After this would happen he would once again disappear further into the mist and work his way over to Jun.