Dimitri grinned rather widely at everyone that entered the bus. It pleased him to be seeing all of the familiar faces that appeared on the bus. The boy began to close the lid on his tupperware container, however Jack's arrival caused him to pause. This was a new face, and new faces were almost always a welcome sight. He waited until Jack took his own seat before turning and propping his knees up on his seat to give the newcomer his best smile. "[color=8882be]Hey there, haven't seen you around the school before. Then again there are so many people...hard to keep track of 'em all.[/color]" Dimitri's voice trailed off as he spaced out for a bit, as if trying to place Jack's face with anyone he knew. He wore a somewhat dopey expression as he looked upwards towards the ceiling of the bus, that smile still firmly planted on his face. He sat like this for about three seconds before refocusing on Jack and pulling up the container of cookies and pointing it towards Jack, "[color=8882be]Well, whether or not you're actually new it's a pleasure to meetcha. Cookie?[/color]". Despite pointing the container mainly towards Jack, he made sure to angle it enough so that if anyone else happened to want a cookie that they'd be able to get it without too much trouble, his way of nonverbally inviting others to enjoy the treats.