[center][h2]Damian Gerard|Arena Stands-Iron Enigma Seating[/h2][/center] [center][@Burthstone][/center] Damian had started for the Iron Enigma seating the moment he was sure Trinity was safe. Melina had asked that they watch for Iron Enigma, though it was more warned them to. Even said they'd take Mithera to try and find out where she was. And Damian had dismissed it, had hoped that with their participation in the games, they would play it smart. He had been wrong. And now he stood at the foot of their seating area. [color=FireBrick]"Iron Enigma, I would have a word with your Guild Master."[/color] His tone was one that gave no room for debate or deceit. If they were smart, they'd know he was on to them.