[center] [h2] [color=gold] Layle Kvothe [/color] [/h2] [/center] The excitement of the moment died down, and Layle felt vaguely disappointed at being unneeded and it turning to, he felt, an anticlimactic ending. Although, he perked up as he realized there were other mages here that are strong enough to stop a giant airship from crashing. [i]Wow, I wonder if that kind of power is normal or if it is unusual...[/i] His stomach rumbled, reminding him that he hadn't eaten for awhile. [i]First to get something to eat, then to find a guild![/i] He prioritized. Using his magic, he inconspicuously slipped away. [center] [h2] [color=silver] Ferrin [/color] and [color=9966cc] Valak [/color] [/h2] [/center] Ferrin and Valak applauded with the rest of the crowd at the amazing performance of all the mages. They were surprised at the airship incident and at the announcer's subsequent decision. Valak quietly got up. [color=silver] "Where are you going?" [/color] Ferrin asked casually. [color=9966cc] "Food. Want some?" [/color] Valak said. [color=silver] "No thanks, just some water."[/color] Ferrin replied. Valak nodded and moved away.