[@The ghost in black] [color=7ea7d8]"Haha, so that was you? I had heard about it, but that was back when I was a lonely nerd, hiding in my makeshift lab and only studying my and my roommates powers. So, kinetic and potential energy, huh? Pretty sweet combo. One of my friends from two years back had kinetic energy, but he didn't have the added boost of potential. Still, I could probably modify the equipment I made for him to work for both of your powers..."[/color] Gretchen beams at Erin, before scribbling down some notes in her book. [color=7ea7d8]"I like your Super Name by the way, it's pretty cool. I don't have one myself, but I do like helping my friends name themselves."[/color] [@Blizz] Upon hearing the boy in the seat across from her address her, Gretchen looks over and smiles. [color=8493ca]"Hey! I might do. I'm Gretchen. What's your name?"[/color]