Maximus stood next to Braska as they entered the temple He felt...slightly uncomfortable in the temple. It had been nearly 30 years since he left the order, just like his uncle. He knew of the corruption that was deep in the religion, he knew of the falseness of the 'truth' behind Sin and Yu Yevon. That it was only for control in a chaotic world that the religion was formed and taken deep root in the government. Yet after Sin being truly defeated by high summoner Yuna in a way totally shattered the belief system of the pilgrimage. The fact there was still believers and followers of the faith, even after all these years and as they grew once again in numbers it baffled Maximus how it could be so. He watched as the priests accommodated for Eva and her Guardians. It was clear of their excitement of the return of the aeons, despite what had happened in Spira and in the rest of spira. Suddenly Sifen came in, starting to talk Al Bhed, he didn't know much, just a word here and there, all he got was Gil and deal. He raised his eyebrow as Gippal started speaking fluently in Al Bhed as well. He wouldn't have thought it...but he remembered who Gippal was the son of and his namesake. It made sense. Gippal handed Sifen 30000 Gil as if it was nothing. The life of a Blitzball star/adventure/son of the leader of New Yevon. He probably never had money problems. Surprising he wasn't a spoiled brat though. He glanced at Saina who had narrowed eyes while looking at Gippal and Eva. He wondered why she would be giving them that look. They all moved to the one room meant for Eva and he watched as She freaked out again when Gippal tried to let her go. She was definitely acting like a child now. He wondered if this was all and Act to gain Gippal's attention. He had seen similar act's while traveling. It didn't matter though at the moment, a good night's rest in the temple was way better than one in an inn. He looked at Saina and decided to start apologizing for his actions earlier. "Forgive me... I was acting like fool earlier, having to have you drag me out of the camp. It was..." He rubbed the back of his head. "Embarrassing to say the least."