WIP- Name: Robin Age:32 Profession/Trade: -Ex Pokemon Conservationist (Similar to a Ranger) -Mountain climber, -Survivalist, -Tracker, -Naturist, -"Hippy" Skills/traits: -Experienced in [b][color=0054a6]recognizing Flora and Fauna[/color][/b] she has a Bachelor's degree in Zoology and Botany from the local University. Through the use of her Zo/Bot knowledge ad application of this knowledge Robin has become an [b][color=0072bc]Excellent tracker[/color][/b]. Her time spent working with the Conservationists often included long periods of time camping alone which allowed her to hone her skills with [b][color=0072bc]primitive survival techniques[/color][/b] Despite being a professional and important member of the Conservationists at one point Robin has adopted a rather [b][color=39b54a]Carefree[/color][/b] attitude. She will often stare out in the distance letting her mind wander as she enjoys the nature around her. Which gives her the appearance of being [b][color=39b54a]Absent Minded[/color][/b] or even [b][color=39b54a]aloof and naive.[/color][/b] That being said she knows how to be a professional and get any assigned task done promptly and efficiently Robin suffered a traumatic incident as a younger woman and since then has adopted rather [b][color=ed1c24]Pacifistic tendencies[/color][/b] And a [b][color=ed1c24]Fear of Violence[/color][/b] because of it. As such she rarely participates in Pokemon battles and is somewhat of an unskilled trainer. She is more of a partner with her Teddiursa letting him fight as he sees fight whenever a rare battle occurs. (Hopefully this opens up to some potential mentor situation regarding pokemon battles) -(more will develop IC) Equipment: -Simple climbing gear (rope, belay, caribiners, etc. old school/steampunk designs) -Hatchet, has a hollow handle with a fire starter inside -Flare gun -Freeze dried rations -2 Super Potions, Burn heal and Ice heal Appearance: [hider=Appearance] [img]http://www.defiancedata.com/images/uploads/1583.jpg[/img] Robin is usually seen wearing some type of loose cargo Pants or capris with a tank top and a light jacket. She carries a satchel with essential items. She stands roughly 5'6" weighing in at a slight 115 lbs. Her skin is tanned and rough from countless hours spent in the sun and wilderness. Her muscles hint at a reserved strength toned for a specific purpose. In this case rock climbing. Its most notable in her shoulders and forearms. When she has her hood up and goggles on she is often mistaken for a man. [/hider] Personality: Robin has always sought new challenges in the field of survival and tracking. The chance to guide an expedition in the pursuit of rare Pokemon and explore the relatively unknown archipelago nation of Phillitri. She hopes to learn more about the flora of the world and test the skills she's spent years honing. Background: [hider=background] Robin spent most of her youth camping and in the wilderness with her family. Her mother and father were simple people, her father worked as a painter, her mother a nurse at the local hospital. Robin had a normal middle class childhood spent in a small suburban neighborhood. Growing up she lived for their camping trips. Nature was her only true home and she longed to be wild and free during her days spent in class. After graduating high school she learned about the budding group called Pokemon Conservationists (a pre cursor to the Rangers) They were forming a group of like minded individuals whose goal was to protect the natural habitats Pokemon lived in and by extension the pokemon themselves. Intrigued Robin started focusing her life down the path of becoming a Conservationist. Four short years later she graduated with a degree in Zoology and Botany with a specialization in Herbalism. The Conservationists welcomed her with open arms she choose a Growlithe as her partner Pokemon and begun her new career with enthusiasm. Five years passed without incident, Robin was a hard worker and was promoted quickly, becoming a head Conservationist at 26. Near the end of her career with the Conservationists, poaching had begun to be an increasingly bigger problem. People were reportedly using rather brutal methods to catch local wild pokemon. Robin being in charge spearheaded an operation to end these poachers. The operation went sour however. The poachers were more well equipped then she was led to believe. When she and just two other Conservationists confronted the poachers they were ready for her. She and Growlithe were easily dispatched in a short battle. When Growlithe fainted overcome by the opponents Machamp, the poachers turned on her they beat her unconscious and left her for dead. Upon awakening hours later Robin found her fellow Conservationists were dead, all their pokemon, Robin's Growlithe included had been murdered. Too weak to stand, Robin faded in and out of consciousness for the rest of the night. She woke for the last time as the noon day sun beat down on her body. A moment of clarity allowed her to find and utilize the flare gun she kept on her body. Luckily it was loaded with green smoke, the Conservationist's sign for emergency. She Fired into the sky and laid back down. Emotions were brewing inside her but she kept them suppressed. It would do Robin no good to breakdown. Able to keep her wits about her Robin crawled to a small cliff hanging which provided shade from the sun and a small shelter. Out of the sun Robin laid down falling asleep within seconds. When she awoke next Robin found a small pile of berries next to her face. Her groggy mind didn't process anything very fast, she tried sitting up and looking around but her broken body kept her down. She knew the berries were harmless, recognizing them as Oran Berries. Melanie managed to squeeze one into her mouth and chewed slowly as the juicy berry burst in her mouth. A small wave of relief washed through her aching body, allowing her to relax and sleep once more. Robin awoke once more to a gentle shaking and the sound of someone calling her name. Opening her eyes she realized her fellow Conservationist's had finally found her. Relief washed over her as she passed out again. Robin barely remembered the hike back to the hospital, flashes of shouting and jostling and people bickering was all she could recall. When she finally did wake up fully it was in the hospital in town. She was hooked up to several IV's, multiple machines and had casts on her left arm and right leg. She would come to find out that she suffered a major concussion, 2 broken vertebrae, broken Tibia and broke Radius as well as a dislocated shoulder, torn Rotator Cuff and 4 broken ribs. What surprised her the most was a small Teddiursa curled up in a ball between her legs. She smiled and tried to pet him but couldn't move her arms to do so. Instead she relaxed pressed the nurses button and waited for answers to come. Friends and family rushed to her side, excited to find out she was alive. It had been a close call as she was told. The doctor attributed her survival to the Oran Berry she was able to eat in the woods. Effects of berries on humans are minimal at best but apparently it was enough to stabilize her. Her fellow Conservationists then explained that it was the Teddiursa sitting between her legs that brought her the berries. He had stood watch over her, and protected her while Robin lay unconscious. Even fighting the Conservationists when they tried to take her away. Robin spent the next several months recovering slowly. Physical Therapy was her life then and her new Teddiursa was never far from her side. The two became fast friends as he helped her regain her strength and will to live. Devastated by the loss of her fellow Conservationists Robin turned in her resignation as soon as she could. No one blamed her for their deaths and many tried to convince her to stay but she couldn't handle the burden anymore. When she had finally recovered well enough to be on her own Robin left retreating to a small cabin she owned in the nearby forest. She has since been living as a recluse, competing in rock climbing events, survival challenges and working as an occasional guide for people through the forest. Professor Palm was one such tourist. After their tour he convinced her to join an expedition he had planned. (Sorry got a little long) [/hider] Pokemon Species: Teddiursa Name: Oso Ability: Quick feet Moves: Fury Swipes, EarthQuake, Hone Claws, Hammer Arm Appearance: [hider=Oso] http://imgur.com/jZfVNTl [/hider]