WIP [center][color=darkred][h2][b]The Socialist Republic of Polirisia[/b][/h2][/color][/center] [center][b]"The Beacon of Hope and Freedom"[/b][/center] [b]Flag:[/b] [img]http://i57.tinypic.com/2mjyn5.png[/img] [hider=Information] [center][h3][b]Government and Economy[/b][/h3][/center] [b]Type of Government:[/b] A Parliamentary Republic under a single state party. The head of the government is the General Secretary of the Party. The General Secretary is chosen by the Central Committee. The Central Committee is chosen by elections of the Party Congress. The Central Committee is composed of the Chairperson of the Department of Health, Chairperson of the Department of Defense, Chairperson of the Department of Internal Affairs and Local Government, Chairperson of the Department of Agriculture, Chairperson of the Department of External Affairs and Diplomacy, Chairperson of the Department of the Treasury, Chairperson of the Department of Trade and Industry, Chairperson of the Department of Transportation, Chairperson of the Department of Justice and Chairperson of the Department Education. Every five years, the General Secretary and Central Committee are replaced with new members or current members who assume different offices. Members of the party are chosen by having civil service exams and party-approved socialist exams. Those who pass go through rigorous training programs designed to remove spies and those not completely devoted to Socialist and party ideology. Those who complete the programs are pledged into the party and are further indoctrinated. After this process, they are accessed for offices in the country. [b]Head(s) of Government:[/b] General Secretary Costo Areva. [b]Economy:[/b] Polirisia is a small island nation but is rich in natural resources. The northern and central region are rich in lumber. The southern region and the two minor islands to the south are rich in metal ores. The oceans around the nation are rich in sea life that are readily edible. The state party is currently trying to industrialize the nation. Mass education and training programs are being provided to have the nation become self sufficient. The nation also enjoys rich agricultural bounties from its myriad of farms scattered across its coast. However the party has yet to utilize this resources at the most efficient state. The industrialization programs were pulling away farmers towards the cities which could potentially create food shortage or worst, a massive famine. Increased conscription was also adding to the shortages. Poor transportation also made the delivery of food from the rural countryside to cities and industrial centers also compounded the problem. The industrial capacity which the party aimed to increase was only at an estimate 25%. Again poor transportation compounded industrial problems are raw materials could not be delivered in time to fulfill demands. The party has yet to address this growing issues. [hr] [center][h3][b]History, Demographics and Culture[/b][/h3][/center] [b]Primary Species:[/b] Homo Parva more commonly known as Hobbits. From the Novgorod word [i]Havbi[/i], from the Polirisian word "Hab-Ai" meaning "[i]sea people[/i]" Hobbits are mostly known for being 3 feet of average height and has unusual growth of hair on the back of their hands and feet. [b]Population:[/b] 5,000,000 estimate. [b]Culture:[/b] WIP [b]Religious and other Beliefs:[/b] Church of Novgorod. Early missionaries proclaimed that the Hobbit race are a lost tribe of the Dwarven kind. The government is currently in the process of gradual reformation to sway the people from the power of the Dwarven church. [b]History:[/b] The Polirisian people are no different than the common Homo Sapien. Except for the fact that they can only grow to an average of four feet and have unsual growth of hair on their hands and feet. Homo Parva are from the island of Polirisia that has a tropical climate and boast a number of white sand beaches. Unlike the its cousins, Homo Parva did not have any natural predators on their natural environment. Homo Parva quickly flourished in their island home. Like Homo Sapien, Homo Parva developed the use of tools, discovered fire, domesticated several animal species and adapted an early form of agriculture. The natural flat, open fields and winding rivers of Polirisia was perfect for growing Yamaka. Yamaka are a type of grain which has a brown stalk that grows six feet tall. It has long pods which bears cereal that number around 80 to 100 pieces per pod. This has become the staple of the Polirisian people. Before the arrival of Novgorod explorers, the Polirisian people were a relatively simple people. The Polirisian developed simple tribal despotism to govern their different bands. Tribal warfare was common as disputes between land, food, community quarrels and even marital affairs and witchcraft accusations quickly led to conflict. Over the years, tribal affiliation became more and more important as tribal conflicts became very common and increasingly more savage. There are tales of entire towns burned to the ground, the brutal rape and torture of the womenfolk and even cannibalism. The Polirisians developed facial and body tattoos, simply hand signs and tribal chants to differentiate themselves from one another. Often this tribes would become xenophobic and outsiders would be aggressively repulsed for the purpose of self preservation. Novgorod exploitation and shit, WIP. However by the year xxxx, a nationalist fervor began to engulf the Polirisian people. Several independence movements have been formed prior xxxx yet the Red Revolution would be the most successful and well known. In xxxx, a young banking students from the Polirisian elite families began to study the works of "Karl Marx equivalent". His social and economical views astonished the young man. Quva Royo began to adhere to "Marxist" ideology. He became increasingly more and more vocal about the subjugation of his people by the Novgorod bourgeoisie elites. He did not yet want to secede from the mother country but instead have equal footing with them. He wanted a fair trade negotiation where the Polirisian people would prosper as the Novgorod does. Royo also aimed to have marginal autonomy for Polirisia and the Polirisian race. The authorities viewed him as a danger to the established social order. In xxxx, he was exiled to "another colonial country". During his exile, he met other "Marxist" adherents who shared their philosophy with him. Strengthening his beliefs of a Socialist Polirisia, Royo began to make plans for his home country. He eventually got word of a small revolutionary group of disgruntled farmers known as the Polirisian People's Revolutionary Society. The PPRS fought for the lands that they farmed on. The farms of Polirisia at the time were owned by wealthy Polirisian upper class families who leased the lands to the farmers in exchange for a percentage of their harvest. Royo viewed this as a form of neo-serfdom which was fueled by Novgorod elites. The PPRS quickly supported Royo once they heard of his ideals and promises. [hr] [center][h3][b]Geography, Agriculture and Industry[/b][/h3][/center] [b]Territory:[/b] [img]http://i57.tinypic.com/2s61277.png[/img] [b]Climate:[/b] Mainly tropically hot and humid and has plentiful rainfall all year round. The nation has two predominant seasons, the dry and wet seasons. The dry seasons start in the summers and are characterized by low precipitation and very humid weather. The wet seasons begin at the start of the monsoon rains and are characterized by excessive downpours and low temperatures. Typhoons and floods are most common during the wet seasons and occasional droughts and surprise thunderstorms are common in the dry season. Hail and snow are also reported, although very rarely and only under particular circumstances such as notably powerful typhoons. [b]Cities, bases, etc:[/b] (This can be a list, or an internal map.) [b]Agriculture:[/b] While the Hobbits of Polirisia have been successful in fisheries and animal domestication, the main source of agriculture and food produce in the island nation is plant growth and harvest. The primary plant grown in Polirisia is the cereal crop Yamaka. However Yamaka needs very saturated soil to grow in. Riverbanks [b]Industry:[/b] WIP [hr] [center][h3][b]Military[/b][/h3][/center] [b]Military:[/b] WIP [/hider]