Nation Name: Kingdom of Odesh Flag: (Optional) [hider=Government and Economy] [u]Type of Government:[/u] Elective monarchy The King or Queen is voted upon by representatives from the 6 provinces of Odesh. These representatives are voted by the population in their individual provinces. The King or Queen holds the most power of all those in the country, however if all 6 representatives decide on a decision against the current standing monarch, the King/Queen can be out voted. The vote is held every 5 years for a King, and the representatives of each province can be voted out via the population, this does mean that if a representative is viewed highly by the people, they can stay as a province representative for many years. [u]Head(s) of Government:[/u] King: Samuel Thomas Province A Representative: Sophie Graham Province B Representative: Edward Davies Province C Representative: William Hudson Province D Representative: Robert Wood Province E Representative: Scarlett Pearson Province F Representative: Jonathan Richardson [u]Economy: [/u] For many years the Economy was based upon agriculture and slowly declining. In recent decades however the country has been occupied by neighbour Trawa. In this occupation, Trawa began integrating its own industry and culture into Odesh. When Odesh gained its independence back it had evolved into a much more industrialised power, heavily borrowing techniques from Trawa. Its current economy is slowly increasing, based mostly around Agriculture but booming industrial cities have begin to rise within the nation. [/hider] [hider=History, Demographics, and Culture.] [u]Primary Species:[/u] Human [u]Population:[/u] 25,000,000 [u]Culture:[/u] (This is often the most neglected, yet most important section. How you fill this out determines how other nations see you and how the normal people in your nation will act in nearly every situation. What norms have been prevalent, what acts are taboos? Why have these things come about? Try to remember culture is a vital part of any NS.) [u]Religious and other Beliefs:[/u] The main religion of The Kingdom of Odesh is The Church of Novgorod, this religion has been rising in popularity in Odesh for many years, yet began a massive increase when the Novgorod military helped liberate Odesh from Trawan hands. The second religion, cultivating a large following, is Ventian Monoclasticism. This religion has been steady in the western provinces, and had been the dominant religion before the boom in The Church of Novgorod. [u]History:[/u] (This is one section you really can’t fill out alone. Iron Rain is indisputably a sandbox in that you’ve only been given vague details and a theme. So it is VITAL you collaborate with your neighbours and other players not just to craft your own history, but to craft the history of the greater world around you.) [/hider] [hider=Geography, Agriculture, and Industry] [u]Territory: [/u] [img][/img] The Provinces are simply labelled by a letter (From Province A to Province F) [img][/img] Agriculture/Industry Divide. Blue=Industry Yellow=Agriculture [img][/img] Odeshian Railway [img][/img] Odeshian Major Rivers [u]Climate:[/u] Odesh has a temperate climate, with plentiful rainfall all year round.The temperature varies with the seasons seldom dropping below −11 °C (12 °F) or rising above 35 °C (95 °F). [u]Cities, bases, etc: [/u] [img][/img] Places Of Interest=Yellow dot Capital=Pink Dot Capital=Blackridge= The capital of Odesh is known as one of the largest industrial capitals to produce military arms. 1=Stathford =Industrial Docks, connecting trade networks with other docks in the kingdom 2=Rivermouth =Industrial Docks, connecting trade networks with other docks in the kingdom 3=Colkirk = Industrial City, known for its firearm manufactory and metal working. 4=Lerwick =Industrial Docks, connecting trade networks with other docks in the kingdom 5=Malrton = A military base at the border between Novgorod and Odesh. 6=Sudbury = Mostly Agricultural, specialising in textiles. 7=Huddersfield =Industrial Docks, connecting trade networks with other docks in the kingdom 9=Redwater =Industrial Docks, connecting trade networks with other docks in the kingdom 8=Wimborne = Major Agricultural city . 10=Wallowdale =Major Agricultural city . 11=Duncaster =Major Agricultural city . 12=Arbington= Major Agricultural city . 13=Swordbreak= A military base at the border between Trawa and Odesh. 14=Barnsley= Agricultural Farm town, linking the crops of the large province C to the rest of the nation. 15=Chesterfield= A military base at the border between Trawa and Odesh. [u]Agriculture: [/u] -Cattle -Goats -Chickens -Wheat -Potatoes -Peas -Hay -Fish [u]Industry:[/u] As the Trawa invaders had kick started the industry of Odesh, they realised that they would need more arms for the coming wars and so Odesh was mainly set on producing the tools of war, Ships, Guns, Bullets anything that requires a war to run, Odesh is making. [hider=Gun manufacturers] [u]Gun manufacturers - [/u] Odeshian Arms Havemakers Worskruch Firearms Wallace and Co [u]Odeshian guns - [/u] [u]OD1901 Repeater[/u] A bolt action rifle, invented by an Odeshian military engineer in 1901. The rifle chambers 5, 7.7×56mm cartridges via loading of an internal magazine from the top with stripper clips. The rifle is easily mass produced and is known for its comfortable recoil and power. A carbine version is also available (OD1901 Repeater Carbine). [u]Worskruch Revolver MkII[/u] A revolver, invented by Johnathon Worskruch in 1886, this design improved upon the previous via the addition of a double action feature, allowing the user to continuously fire the firearm without pulling back the hammer manually. The revolver is loaded via a top break action, loading 6, 11.43×23mm cartridges. [u]Wallace Repeater(WR) Handgun[/u] A semi automatic handgun, Invented by Wallace and co in 1909, the handgun is still in testing and limited amounts of them have been given to select groups. The weapon fires 11.43×23mm cartridges and is loaded by a magazine inserted in the grip, the magazines can hold 10 rounds. The weapon is more likely to jam than the Worskruch Revolver but it can be reloaded faster and contains more ammunition than its 6 shot rival. [u]Havemakers Machinegun[/u] A fully automatic machine gun, finding service from 1889, large in size and taking 3 men to operate. Despite its bulk and weight, the weapon is know for its large amount of ammunition and its reliability. The weapon fires from a cloth belt, able to load belts of 100, 250 and 500, 7.7×56mm ammunition. The weapons large barrel and water coolers allows it to fire continuously for a long period of time, although short controlled bursts are recommended. [u]Wallace LightMachinegun[/u] Wallace and co have been on the edge of military breakthroughs throughout Odesh, and the Wallace Machinegun is no exception. The Odeshian military needed a specific weapon, one that the OD1901 Repeater and Havemakers Machinegun could not fill. A weapon as manuevrable as a rifle, but with the rapid fire capability of a machinegun. This was accomplished in 1908 with the Wallace LightMachinegun, a machinegun much lighter than the current heavy machinegun (9kg compared to 27kg) whilst keeping a reasonable amount of rapid fire capability. The weapon is loaded from the top via box magazines holding 30 rounds of 7.7×56mm ammunition, this new design had a slower rate of fire than the larger machineguns, and a soldier would have to watch themselves for if the barrel became too hot, despite these drawbacks the advantages outweighed them. The weapon could be carried by a single man, and if necessary fired whilst standing or moving. [u]Worskruch Revolving Shotgun[/u] A shotgun, created in 1881, able to hold 4 rounds of ammunition via an internal revolving chamber. The Shotgun shells are loaded one at a time from the top of the weapon, and are automatically extracted via a spring loaded rotation of the cylinder. The reason for this mechanism was to create a shotgun that could have a short barrel, and so would be perfect for the average man to protect his home. For this reason the shotgun comes in three variants, A Home Defence model( Consisting of a 16" Barrel), a Military Model(Consisting of a 20" barrel, tactical sling and bayonet lug) and a Hunting Model (Consisting of a 25" barrel). Despite having a Military variant, the weapon failed to impress the Odeshain military engineers, and so the weapon does not see action within the Armed Forces. Despite this, the civilian market has boomed with the weapons, as they are cheaper than pump action models imported from other nations. it is also not uncommon to see an Odeshian soldier with a personal Home Defence Model Worskruch shotgun strapped to his back. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Military] [u]Military: [/u] [u]Infantry[/u] The standing military consists of 100,000 troops, with 200,000 Troops in the reserve force. It is estimated that 4,000,000 troops can be conscripted during war time. The typical Odeshian infantryman carries an OD1901 Repeater, many also carry a sidearm of there own or those lucky enough to be issued with one, these are usually Revolver variants, the most popular being the Odeshian made Worskruch Revolver's. Each infantryman carries 50 rounds of rifle ammunition in small cloth pouches on the uniform, other pouches provide space for an entrenching tool, water bottle, mess tin, personal items, knife and fork and other small survival equipment. The typical uniform for the Odesian army consists of thick woollen tunics dyed khaki, trousers and stiffened peak caps, large boots are also standard issue. [u]Artillery[/u] Cannon's, howitzers and Mortars. In a variety of shell sizes to fit multiple roles. [u]Navy[/u] The Odeshian Navy is mostly a defensive fleet, protecting the coast of Odesh aswell as the trade routes Odesh holds. 30 Destroyers 15 Light Cruisers 5 Heavy Cruisers 5 Pre-Dreadnought Battleships 1 Dreadnought [/hider]