[center][img]https://36.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lr7xsq9y3h1qcfp07o1_500.jpg[/img] [h2][b][color=orange]Shin Maru, Topaz[/color][/b][/h2][/center] [hr] Aoi and Akio were certainly doing well. In fact, a little [i]too[/i] well. When the clown girl pulled out her handheld gaming device and declared she was naming something after Shin, he looked confused for a moment. [b][color=orange]"A Mudkip? Oh, that Pokemon thing you have,"[/color][/b] he deduced, nodding his head once Aoi showed him the screen for confirmation. [b][color=orange]"That's a cute little thing... but... uh... it says it's a girl, Aoi..."[/color][/b] With a sigh Shin shrugged it off. It wasn't like a minor detail like that would ever bother Aoi, so there was no point in trying to bother her over it. Rei Minamoru, Yamato's younger sister, and Giichi Uzumaki joined the group. Shin wasn't too familiar with either, being that they weren't in his class growing up. But he knew of them and had seen them both on several occasions. It seemed that Giichi was flirting with Rei, something that seemed foolish to both Shin and Akio. [i][color=orange]Yamato's calmed down lately, but that kid might be biting off more than he can chew if he wants to go after Rei,[/color][/i] Shin thought to himself. He kept his mouth shut, instead smiling and waving to greet the two younger teenagers. [i][color=orange]If not Yamato, then Reijo...[/color][/i] The Hokage went along with his policy changes. It turns out they weren't as boring as Shin initially expected. [i][color=orange]An elite hunting organization?[/color][/i] Shin wondered, bringing a hand up to his chin. [i][color=orange]Multi-national at that. That's never happened before. The Kage want someone dead for sure...[/color][/i] Zeno continued on to list names. [i][color=orange]Are these people being selected for the hunter organization or for the transfer program? Wait, did he call my name? He did. Oh boy.[/color][/i] Shin smirked as he stepped forward, alongside the others called. His first question wasn't about to be answered, as Zeno couldn't even finish listing off all the names before collapsing. The smirk vanished. Something was wrong with the Hokage. The man didn't even have time to pull himself together before a cloaked figure appeared. ANBU were quick to react, but it seemed that this assassin, a woman as dictated by Shin's detective abilities and his ability to spot attractive bodies, was more than a match for them. [b][color=orange]"What the...?"[/color][/b] This assassin was bold, striking in broad daylight before almost the entirety of Konoha's forces. [i][color=orange]Wait a second. That's completely intentional,[/color][/i] Shin began deducing, his expression contorting in an angry and irritated sneer. [i][color=orange]This is a terror tactic. The goal here isn't necessarily killing Zeno but the act itself, right in front of all of us. To create chaos and division. Means to an unknown end...[/color][/i] Shin turned to face his nearest friends, which were Aoi and Akio. Before he could give them a plan, Yamato had already stepped up and gave them orders. [i][color=orange]Well, that works,[/color][/i] Shin thought to himself. He glanced over at the platform that Zeno had previously stood on before deciding what he was going to do. The young detective grabbed a nearby jonin, who was still watching in awe as the assassin gave chase to the Hokage. [b][color=orange]"Alright, I need you to do me a favor,"[/color][/b] Shin asked, drawing the man's attention. [b][color=orange]"Go find either Ayame or Fujitora Choko, then check the Hokage's Office to find out what Zeno has eaten so far today. Be [i]especially[/i] sure of where he got the food and who prepared it. Got it?"[/color][/b] [b][color=gray]"Who are you?"[/color][/b] [b][color=orange]"Detective Shin Maru, but that doesn't matter. If we aren't chasing the culprit then we should be working on finding out who it is. Now we need to figure out who poisoned the Hokage. So let's go."[/color][/b] [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ObRDT2r.png[/img] [h2][b][color=moccasin]Tsukiko Umene, Honeybadger[/color][/b][/h2][/center] [hr] The only time Tsukiko showed any interest in what was going on around her was when Rei gave a brief greeting and compliment. Rei Minamoru was a former student of hers. The girl was weak when they first began working together, but Tsukiko respected her more than other kids because she acknowledged that weakness and tried to grow stronger. Perhaps she was still weak, Tsukiko wouldn't know considering she hasn't actively checked her progress, but if her older brother was any kind of indicator it could be safely assumed that Rei was at least acceptable. [b][color=moccasin]"Thanks, I try,"[/color][/b] she responded, before giving a polite wave (something rarely seen from the Honeybadger). While her voice sounded dry and humorless, the sentiment was something that few could ever hope to get from her. Such words from most anyone else would be met with hostility or be completely ignored. But alas, Rei moved on to hang out with friends in her age group as she rightfully should. Tsukiko expected the rest of this meeting to be painful and dull, but the Hokage actually had something else planned. [i][color=moccasin]Exchange programs? Hunting parties? What the hell have the higher-ups been talking about?[/color][/i] Tsukiko wondered, narrowing her eyes at Zeno as she thought about the news. [i][color=moccasin]We've never been so buddy-buddy with other villages before. What prompted the change? Though this elite hunter-nin group... that sounds fun. I'll be damned if I'm not running that show. I'm the best hunter-nin in the world.[/color][/i] While her expression remained harsh, on the inside Tsukiko was somewhat elated by this news. Most of her jobs in Konoha have basically been hunting down rogue shinobi or criminals, so the idea would be nothing new to her. It would simply mean she would get to do it more often and, presumably, make more money off it. Zeno began listing off names. Tsukiko waited for her name to be called, but it never was. As he was getting closer and closer to the end of the list, Tsukiko visibly grew more frustrated. [i][color=moccasin]What is this? Has he forgotten what I can do? This some kind of joke? He's listing off kids now but not me? What the fuck!?[/color][/i] Tsukiko began tapping her foot, but before her anger could boil over the Hokage began acting strange. His sudden stop and change in demeanor snapped Tsukiko out of her growing rage, instead sending her into a cautious and concerned state. While the Hokage began spitting up blood, which was bad enough as it is, a cloaked woman arrived and began making a mess of the immediate ANBU next to the Hokage. [i][color=moccasin]Is this bitch stupid?[/color][/i] Tsukiko thought, her concerned expression declining into an irritated one. [i][color=moccasin]To think she can come into MY home and try to kill MY boss right in front of ME?[/color][/i] While ANBU tried to kill or capture the strange woman, Zeno began to retreat. An obvious move, considering his sudden signs of weakness. He was surely in no shape to fight. While the other shinobi in the area began to mobilize, some moving to assist in capturing the cloaked assassin and others moving to do other things, Tsukiko remained in place and calmly drew her spear, The Monicker, from her back. [i][color=moccasin]There's too many people, I haven't got her scent or chakra signature... But...[/color][/i] Tsukiko leapt onto the platform that Zeno had previously been on, to look in the direction he and the assassin were heading. [i][color=moccasin]Once I have them, that bitch will have nowhere to hide and I can chase her to the end of the Earth...[/color][/i] Tsukiko brought her hands together to form a single handseal. [i][color=moccasin]I'm not taking her alive.[/color][/i] Tsukiko vanished from sight, the Hiding with Camouflage technique rendering her invisible. Now cloaked and stealthy, Tsukiko began jumping across rooftops like the other shinobi. Only she took an alternate route, heading a different direction than the rest. [i][color=moccasin]I know where they're going... and I can beat them there.[/color][/i]