“Hmph, rude.” Sapphire said as she stood up after being throw to the side by Joshua. She immediately continued her pursuit of the bagman and was rather amused at the scene that ensued, with Imgor ordering the bagman to halt. She noticed Alexander take position near a roof and instinctively looked at him only realizing too late that he’d be using his flare. Luckily her hood obscured the spell to some extent, not blinding her for as long as Joshua. As the bagman was still busy rubbing his eyes she proceeded to apply an air burst to his legs hopefully causing a comical tumble on his posterior. Ruby immediately knew where her place was in the ensuing struggle and would attempt to land on Joshua, hopefully keeping him down with her sheer weight. “Hey Joshua, does a familiar immobilizing you count as a capture?” She would shout in a not very serious tone as Ruby approached preparing to land on top of him.