ust as he was about to respond to the robot he heard a sound, one that he remembered hearing as a child. Vertibirds, the Enclave had come. He saw groups of security escorting people towards the stern of the ship, towards the labs as others rushed out to try and stop the Enclave. He could here there screams outside, he grabbed his helmet and tugged it on. "Alright, both of you head back towards stern, best chance you've got of getting out." He told them picking up his minigun. He began to move objects build cover for himself as two guards rushed over to help the power armored Paladin. Next they grabbed missile launcher, in decent condition and left it leaned against cover. The left a laser rifle, and plenty of ammo for him as they retreated. They silently wondered if he could actually hold them off, they doubted it after all the Enclave had superior tech... Right? The Paladin set his eyes upon the door way as burst open he spooled up the minigun. The first two entered there armor stopped the first dozen rounds but they hit home and the soldiers crumpled. Dropping his minigun he picked up the launcher, as a squad lined up he fired the missile at the trooper holding the heavy flamer. The explosion sent them all flying however a malfunction in the launcher had jammed it up, he fell back on his rifle. Picking off the next soldier that enter he yelled. "Come on! Can't you kill Brother of Steel? Has the Enclave gone soft!" He laughed falling back he reloaded his sniper rifle then waited patiently. He really didn't want to die here but distracting the Enclave took priority, they would put him at the top of the hit list now. Plus they would want him alive to find out more about the Brotherhood. He hoped he could just hold it together and keep everyone safe, it was his duty. "Yippee-ki-yay mother fucker." He said to himself leaning out and beginning to fire on Enclave troops. He really hoped this wouldn't be the end for him.