"It has it's uses." Valentina shrugged. So far her powers just seemed more of a nuisance than anything else. Not useful for fighting, only for getting sucked into outlets. His mutation however, would be very useful and it was quite impressive. It captivated her, to see another's powers. It was still setting in for her that she was in a school full of people who weren't quite human, but this just gave her a head rush. She snapped out of it when the flame went away, blinking as she came back to reality. She cleared her throat before coming up with an answer that didn't make it seem like she was spacing out. "I'd have more use with it in Russia. It gets very cold, especially in the winter. Here though, I don't think quite as much." Valentina mused, looking out the window. She was much further south than Moscow or even St. Petersburg. "It's unique in it's own right. Are you hot to the touch then? Since it's source is from within you?" Valentina questioned, with a raised eyebrow. It be a shame, if he was. Lack of human contact can cause a sad life, she's seen it plenty.