[h1]Kal-El's Little Shop of Characters[/h1] [hider=Nobunaga Inuzuka][IMG]http://safebooru.org//images/777/73201077a127e762684c5975c3a48c3a61a16011.jpg?782687[/IMG] [i]“I have lived and fought through many missions... and witnessed their results. The foulest of all, being how they sever the bonds that unite us. It is time I changed that. I stand, to offer a challenge! So that we, from here forth, MAY NEVER AGAIN FIGHT OUR BROTHERS!!!”[/i] [hr] [u][b]Personnel files.[/b][/u] [i]Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.[/I] 【[U]Full Name[/U]】 [I]Nobunaga “Nobu” Inuzuka[/I] 【[U]Alias[/U]】 [i]Konoha’s Fang of Perdition[/i] 【[U]Age[/U]】 [i]16[/i] 【[U]Sex[/U]】 [i]Male[/i] 【[U]Sexuality[/U]】 [i]Heterosexual[/i] 【[U]Birthplace[/U]】 [i]Konohagakure[/i] 【[U]Bloodline[/U]】 [i]Inuzuka[/i] 【[U]Rank[/U]】 [i]Chunnin[/i] [hr] [u][b]Psych. report.[/b][/u] [i]Medical secrecy applies.[/i] 【[U]Personality[/U]】 [i]Nobubaga is a man defined by his own awareness of self. Unlike most Samurai or Shinobi, who are noted for their inflated sense of superiority in their abilities, Nobu is characterized by his almost overly modest perception of his own abilities and attributes, to the point where many would call him a person who completely lacks confidence. However, the matter of fact is that Nobunaga has, following his trials and tribulations, understood what it means to be capable and thus has no need to express his own capabilities unless the situations demands it. He is many years beyond his age due to this trait, leaving others to be dumbfounded in front of him. When considering mannerisms, Nobunaga is a very well-mannered individual who faces no complications in virtually any circumstance he is put in. It is difficult to provoke the man, however, he is noted to be easily angered when the subject is about amateurish swordsmanship, a topic that he prides himself as an expert on despite his awareness of self. Because, above all, Nobu is a samurai dedicated to the the blade, the motivating factor in his life.[/i] 【[U]History[/U]】 [i]A possible coincidence or fate itself saw that a ronin rejected from the Land of Iron would happen upon an injured Inuzuka left for dead by her own comrades. The ronin would take pity upon the woman, helping nurse her back to health. During such a time, they shared stories to create a bond that would turn to love soon after helping the Inuzuka, Iva, return to Konoha. The Ronin, Mitsuhide, was greeted with open arms due to his protection of a Leaf shinobi but as a samurai he would be watched. The bond between Mitsuhide and Iva kept the samurai from leaving and several years later siring a child together. Being the child between a ronin and Inuzuka, Nobunaga was notably far more calm like his father, lacking the wild instinct that his mother possessed. School seemed to be where Nobunaga shined, his studies showing glowing results but he didn't make many friends. Many of the children passed Nobunaga by and it gave the boy more time to increase his own wealth of knowledge. He passed through school with flying colors, graduating around the same year as another prodigy known as Yamato. On the other side, Nobunaga was trained by his father and mother in their own arts. Whilst Iva exercised that her child should be trained a pure Inuzuka, Mitsuhide argued that their child could be stronger if he could mix their styles into one complete form. He held the notion that a samurai and shinobi could produce a child of grandeur. From his father's subdued but strict training to his mother's violent, erratic, and wild behavior, the young Inuzuka was trained most unusually. A path that led Nobunaga to greatness and would soon show the world what the Fang of Perdition can bring to the world. [/i] 【[U]Family ties[/U]】 [b]Mitsuhide Miyamoto | Father | 59, Konohagakure, Dojo Owner. Carrying honor to a high degree, Mitsuhide teaches anyone that applies and takes care of his family. He’s acted strange as of late. He always treated Nobunaga in a high regard, giving calm analysis of his son and how to fix things. Iva Inuzuka | Mother | 56, Konohagakure, Jounin. She is a prominent member of the Inuzuka that seeks to elevate the clan above all others. A hothead but loving mother, she pushes her son let his beastial side takeover every now and then. Oichi Inuzuka | Female Dog | 1, Konohagakure, Ninken. Nibunaga's noble companion. Can't seem to get her out of the oversized samurai armor. She does not fight often due to being cowardly. [/b] 【[U]Dreams and fears[/U]】 [i]Nobunaga possesses one dream: To Unify the Samurai and the Shinobi. He knows that peace can be unobtainable in the long run but a unified nation could prove to protect those that seek peace with far greater efficiency. New traditions and teachings could be created and people would eventually evolve into their fullest potential. Nobu fears losing his honor most of all. It is the hallmark of a Samurai and to lose one's honor might as well be the day they die. [/i] [hr] [u][b]Combat reports.[/b][/u] [i]Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.[/i] 【[U]Fighting style[/U]】 [i]Nobunaga is a trained samurai and ninja, benefitting from both worlds to give him a diversity unlike his other Konoha brethren. He fits as a Samurai using his blade to swiftly eliminate his opponents and his beast transformation to empower him like a wild animal. Speed and Power are attributed to Nobu's style that many don't expect. His lithe frame can be fragile at times so he must control the flow of battle in order to win. Stamina is not the problem at all but the fact that his durability is low. Nobunaga is what a warrior would consider a glass cannon but one of the greatest cannons that Konoha has created.[/i] 【[U]Canon techniques:[/U]】 [b][u]A-Rank Techniques[/u][/b] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Samurai_Sabre_Technique]Samurai Sabre Technique[/url] [b][u]B Rank Techniques[/u][/b] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Human_Beast_Combination_Transformation:_Double-Headed_Wolf]Human Beast Combination Transformation: Double Headed Wolf[/url] [b][u]C Rank Techniques[/u][/b] [URL=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Passing_Fang]Passing Fang[/URL][URL=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Four_Legs_Technique]Four Legs Technique[/URL] 【[U]Custom made techniques[/U]】 [b][u]Jutsu name:[/u][/b] [i]Fang of Iaido[/i] [b][u]Rank:[/u][/b] [i]A[/i] [b][u]Range:[/u][/b] [i]Short - Mid, Dissipates around 10m[/i] [b][u]Description:[/u][/b] [i]The Fang of Iaido is a deterrent technique used by highly skillful Samurai. Through rapid movement within a small area, the user rapidly draws their blade from their sheath thrice while it is covered in chakra as a result of the Samurai Sabre Technique. The end result of this repetitive movement is three "elongated slashes" that are really just residue chakra forming a straight line from the edge of the blade as a consequence of the extreme speed the user employs with this technique. Furthermore, the closeness of each individual stroke gives the image that they are all released simultaneously, which further causes the opponent to lose their guard, allowing the user the opportunity to escape, intimidate an opponent or give the user an opening to kill their enemy..[/i] [b][u]Jutsu name:[/u][/b] [i]Stepping Fang Technique[/i] [b][u]Rank:[/u][/b] [i]B[/i] [b][u]Range:[/u][/b] [i]Self[/i] [b][u]Description:[/u][/b] [i]The Stepping Fang Technique is a technique that is regarded highly among any form of Kenjutsu practitioner. Kenjutsu functions on the basis of understanding an opponent's "rhythm" within battle and countering that appropriately with one's own rhythm. However, this technique instead uses one's enhanced senses through training in order to pick up on the rhythm of one's opponent within combat through the timing of their breaths. In doing so, the user manages to act on the same wavelength as their opponent, managing to evade/counter attacks that are occurring on the same wavelength through moving in time with the attacks used by the opponent. However, repeated shifts of rhythm throw this technique off quite easily, especially by a user who has only begun in its use.[/i] [b][u]Jutsu name:[/u][/b] [i]Phantom Fang[/i] [b][u]Rank:[/u][/b] [i]B[/i] [b][u]Range:[/u][/b] [i]Short[/i] [b][u]Description:[/u][/b] [i]This technique simply creates multiple illusions of the user's arm and blade while striking in order to confuse the opponent of where the strike is coming from. As only one of these arms are real. The user can create ten or eleven illusion arms that start from his shoulders and they seem connected to his body, From an outside view, one would see as if the user has eleven arms, while only one is real. All the arms move in perfect synchronization, which causes the eye to transfer wrong and illogical information to the brain, leading to the confusion of the target and causing them to react in a false way. This can also be used if the user grips the sword with both hands as it would use the same concept. Another variation of this technique is creating illusion of himself. Creating three, five or even more false duplications of himself. They move in perfect synchronization with him. It's not a certainty that the real one is in the middle as it could be any of the duplications. Skilled users can create one in front of them to mask their movement and to hide their presence completely as the duplication in front of them would move in synchronization with the user. Thus, the user would be completely hidden. The user usually creates the illusions a few seconds before striking in order to confuse the target.[/i] [b][u]Jutsu name:[/u][/b] [i]Shredding Fang[/i] [b][u]Rank:[/u][/b] [i]B[/i] [b][u]Range:[/u][/b] [i]All[/i] [b][u]Description:[/u][/b] [i]This technique, utilizing Iaidō principles, involves the user charging towards their enemy with very high speed. If successful in doing so, the user of the technique slashes them at their abdomen horizontally. The previous chakra built up on the edge of the blade then fans out from the center of the person, therefore causing further injuries across the body. The injuries gained from this chakra are burn-like. This can be used in conjunction with different attacks pending the user has prepared beforehand.[/i] [b][u]Jutsu name:[/u][/b] [i]Killing Intent[/i] [b][u]Rank:[/u][/b] [i]C[/i] [b][u]Range:[/u][/b] [i]Self[/i] [b][u]Description:[/u][/b] [i]The Killing Intent is a skill thought to be reserved to warriors of the highest class, those who were able to focus their intent to kill an enemy through their body and projecting it in a wide variety of ways to psychologically damage an enemy. However, for the Samurai, this intent takes upon a drastically different form. The entire nature of a Samurai's upbringing revolves around the concept of "Bushidō." A Samurai's Killing Intent is the physical manifestation of this, and is thus commonly called the Resolve of the Samurai (侍の決行, Samurai no Kekkō) as a result. The Killing Intent, in this instance, is projected as an aura that envelops the user, and reveals the "heart" of their blade, or in other words, their motivations for cutting down their opponent. Several Samurai release it unconsciously, however, those who are able to manipulate it consciously have the ability to dramatically alter the tides of battle into their favor.[/i] [b][u]Jutsu name:[/u][/b] [i]Fang in the Sky Technique[/i] [b][u]Rank:[/u][/b] [i]C[/i] [b][u]Range:[/u][/b] [i]Self[/i] [b][u]Description:[/u][/b] [i]Fang in the Sky Technique is a chakra-based technique that allow the user to concentrate and fixate air into a temporary solid platform beneath their feet. The platform itself appears as an illuminated mandala composed of chakra, which can easily support a great deal of weight. Employing this technique the user is able to both enhance their mobility in the air, ascending to much greater heights than is normally possible. Since the platform is manifested solely by chakra released from the soles of the user's feet, it is similar to water walking. Despite the chakra control required for this technique, it's stamina requirements are also comparable to the water walking and tree climbing maneuvers. Advanced users of this technique can transfer the energy stored in the platform back into their body the instant they leap from its surface, vitalizing their legs. While this destroys the platform in the same instance, it allows the user to jump a greater distance, and with a much greater pace.[/i] 【[U]Weaponry, tools and objects.[/U]】 [b][u]Weapon, tool or object name:[/u][/b] Ranmaru [b][u]Weapon, tool or object type:[/u][/b] [i]Katana[/i] [b][u]Description:[/u][/b] [i]Ranmaru is a sword of incredible craftsmanship which can stand defend against the strongest of attacks. This ability alone would qualify it as an amazing blade, but it is not where the true power of this sword lies. Within the confines of this blade dense channels of chakra have been woven, which are the key to Ranmaru's abilities. The aforementioned chakra is incredibly irregular in nature which causes it to dissociate most chakra it comes in contact with. As such this sword can be used to slice through chakra with much greater ease than a normal weapon. Also because of this unique quality Ranmaru is impervious to weapons that are enhanced with chakra flow. Unfortunately because this weapons constantly contains im-balanced chakra, it is impossible for a user to flow their own chakra through the blade in the same way they would another weapon. As such a user much readjust the balance of their chakra when using this weapon as a conduit for techniques. Though, if and when a user is able to master flowing chakra through this weapon they will be able to perform such techniques with greater speed and efficiency, because they will allow the chakra within the sword to aid in pre-molding the chakra that they channel into it.[/i][/hider]