[center][h3][color=9e0b0f]Bryn Hlison[/color][/h3] [img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/4996/f/2011/143/c/e/candice_accola___gif_2_by_love_me_like_crazy-d3h2g9y.gif[/img][hr][hr][/center] [color=9e0b0f]β€œI'll have you know that I am plenty experienced in life, mange tak!!”[/color] Bryn protested playfully but then Raquel showed up and Bryn tried very hard not to let her face show the distaste she felt for the girl. She was just a little bit too, elitist for Bryn's tastes but she tried not to let it get the best of her. She wasn't really succeeding. [color=9e0b0f]β€œIt was very nice meeting you Kina, and if you have any questions or would like some help studying or just someone to hang out with, text me.”[/color] Bryn offered, as she dug through her bag, ripping out a piece of paper and scribbling her phone number down on it before putting it in Kina's hand and wrapping his fingers around it. She blew him a kiss before turning on her heel and walking away. She didn't acknowledge Raquel once, Bryn was proud of her self. After she left the gym, Bryn didn't know where to go. On Monday's, Bryn made sure her class doesn't start until at least noon, just in case she had to work overnight on a Sunday she can get at least some sleep. She ended up in the outside commons, sitting on a bench, editing one of her latest videos. She loved singing and playing various instruments, and if her father would have let her, she would have become a music major but he wanted her to follow in his footsteps, and since her past was when she was a minor, it wouldn't show up on any basic background check therefore making it a possibility. And she really didn't mind being being in pre-law. She figured she wouldn't become a lawyer but use it to follow her dad and go into the State department. She finished editing that and posted it, laying back on the bench, letting the sun warm her face and lull her into a sort of sleep type thing. Not actual sleep but just nice relaxation, she'd need it to deal with these next few upcoming days.