It didn't take long for Maddox to realize that there isn't much to the inside of the school so he ended up walking outside. It was a good thing that he put his coat on as the cool air was much lower then the air in the desert. The air filt crisper, but also colder. He rubbed his arms though his coat as he walked around the paths out side looking around. Benches, trees, and everything was Wind was blowing and not kicking up dust every wear as he figured that dust storms weren't to common around here. He took in a deep breath as he looked around before walking back into the building and into the common hall thinking this place was too cold. Figuring he would find Nate he walked into the lounge trying to find him as it seemed to of died down a little bit, figuring people were getting ready for the banquette. He looked around the lounge trying to find his cousin though not having much luck "Shit" he muttered, but he did see the pool table. He shrugged as he was figured "screw it" and walked over to the pool table and racked up the balls, walking to the end of the pool table he broke them apart. Looking over table he started to shoot, He sunk a ball almost every hit, his parents had a pool table in his house growing up so he been playing his entire life. It was a nice sort of way to get out of your own head, and it was one of the only ways he knew how to socialize that didn't involve motors. He was a decent artist, but that was something he didn't share with people to often, It was only something That his parents and Nate knew about him. Though one thing he did miss, he wanted a beer.