Eve was very excited to finally start school, unlike her sister Ava. whom she knew would stay home and surf the internet then make friends. she knew that she would undoubtedly learn many interesting things in this place, if she could actually find the place of course. she was having quite a bit of trouble finding the location that they needed to go, they had been wandering all around the town but was unable to locate the Bus stop that they was supposed to arrive at, she was getting really tired of searching. [color=39b54a]"Ava!! I can't find the Bus stop! HELP ME!"[/color] said Eve, feeling a bit tired and hoping that they would be able to find the place relatively soon, she was starting to become somewhat irritated because of her lack of direction, she never was very good at finding things, unlike her sister. all her sister had to go was connect to the internet and she would be able to find anything, being part human/machine. [color=a187be]"Your the one that wanted to find the place by yourself"[/color] stated the other sister, smirking. After a couple more minutes of searching they finally stumbled upon the Bus stop, hopping onto the bus, seeing that other kids on. ------------------ The Bus Driver turn around to look at the kids! [color=fff200]"Good everyone is here!!"[/color] closing the door and driving off. they turn the corner onto the an unknown closed street, when metal bars appeared across the students for safety before hitting the edge, turning into a flying school heading towards the school.