Super Interested! [hider=Tane Mikáere] Name: Tane Mikáere Age:24 Profession/Trade: Airship mechanic and Gyro-Steam Propulsion engineer graduate, as well as rudimentary training in Thermal, Auto, and Electric engineering and Pokemon Containment Physics (PCP). [hider=Skills/Traits] Tane's perhaps most important trait, and occasionally his weakest, is his overzealous approach to any encountered mechanical issue. He is constantly tinkering with the tech of his airship, hoping to glimpse some minute imperfection to be remedied. In short, he is a perfectionist. To Tane, no job is finished until it can't be improved any more. His excitement to complete work means that it gets done right but can also be the cause of serious sleep deprivation and over-preparation. This is fueled by his inventive mind and quickness to realize possible improvements inspired by other, more efficient systems. In this state, his determination is unparalleled. While working on a project Tane appears driven, almost to obsession. His mind often wanders to his work even when he is away from the ship. Consequentially, he seems scatter-brained, occasionally unable to focus during interactions with others. To this issue exist two remedies that Tane infrequently, but occasionally, employs: the power of strong liquor and nicotine. Although not an alcoholic, he always carries a strong brew of whiskey and smooth cherry cigars. Despite his recurrent lack of concentration, Tane is an amiable, warm-hearted person. He is selfless and courageous, sometimes to the point of recklessness. He can be flirtatious, especially after a good toke, but is never violent, disorderly, or uncoordinated. [/hider] [hider=Equipment] -Featherweight thin copper-coated chain mail -40" Pipe wrench (carried) -Handheld cutting torch / lighter -3 Rolls Electric Tape -2 Packs Smooth Cherry cigars -Pint of whiskey -Custom 10 gauge, sawed off 6 shot. Copper stock that fades into black towards barrel. Grip is black-etched with roses and reads 'The Babe' (Full mag + 8 additional shells) -3 pokeballs -2 Potions, 1 Antidote [/hider] Appearance:[hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Personality] Tane is driven by one thing above all: curiosity. He constantly tinkers with anything that captivates him in order to gain a better understanding of how everything functions. He is also very imaginative. When not working, Tane often stares at the sky, watching the clouds and wondering how humanity might fully harness the power of flight. Small wonder that he chose gyro-tech as his life's work. Although not in his usual research field, Tane wouldn't miss the opportunity to explore Philitri for the world. [/hider] [hider=Background] Tane was born into a modest family. His father worked for a large corporation as an airship repairman, while his mother was a part-time auto-mechanic. Tane's first memory was of helping his father replace a blown thrust capacitor, while his second was of overhauling a steam engine with his mother in the garage. The understanding of simple mechanics at an early aged blossomed into a deep thirst for knowledge of how the world functions as a whole. It was this desire that inspired Tane to enroll in college, rather than immediately joining the work force as his father did. He did however inherit his parents' work ethic. "A machine is nothing but what you make it", his father would say, "Take pride in your work and make it the best you can." Thus his perfectionism was fueled. Tane's time in college was short, but worth-while. Within 3 years of research, he had already made breakthroughs in his field, namely airship design and electrolysis powered-transportation and had job offers from major corporations aplenty. His patents on both the A1 class mega cruiser and electrolytic separators for hydrogen-powered flight sold for hundreds of millions. Still, he felt as though his academic career was incomplete. He continued studying for another 3 years, broadening his mind to new lengths while still advancing in his original field. In this time he began work on Carbon-Fission application, but stopped due to the cost needed to use such technology. Even so, his uncompleted work was bought by an industrial company for a large sum. At 23, after the early death of both of his parents, Tane decided to end his student-life in favor of a steady job as a head airship engineer and 'mercenary' pilot while continuing his own private research. Unfortunately, not every decision has wonderful consequences. Every airship pilot knows the dangers of the trade. Privateers, of course, being the leading hazard. Although uncommon, tales of murderous bands of hijackers from rival nations boarding an airship and killing everyone aboard were not nonexistent. In the first year of his new occupation, minutes into a flight leaving a Riecher factory, Tane's ship was attacked by an unknown Class X3 airship painted solid black. His own crew were well armed, but the enemy came in large numbers. Most everyone aboard was killed. Tane happened to be below decks at the time, or else he likely would have been also. At the end of the skirmish, only him and his first mate were left alive. Both airships had sustained serious damage and were quickly falling. The privateers' airship however, was bigger than Tane's class Y1, and would likely stay 'afloat' for long enough to clear the plant and crash out into the ocean rather than into towers. Tane and his first mate quickly boarded the airship, unsure but hopeful. They entered the lower decks to reach the lowest possible exit point with only minutes remaining to impact. At first glance, nothing seemed unordinary about the ship's interior. However, halfway to the base of the firebox, Tane began seeing red staining on walls. Lower down still, stains turned to pools, and eventually to bodies. At the bottom of the airship, down a dark hallway, he heard something, a solemn whimpering like he had never heard before. He felt drawn to the noise, as if it were more important than his own safety. He headed towards it cautiously, gun in hand. Into a lighted room he came, a pit encircled by chairs as one might find in a stadium. He reached the edge, looked down, and saw two pokemon. One lay face down, skin shredded from its back and blood encompassing the floor underneath. The other, wheezing and bleeding from a leg that was no longer there and a deep gash in the neck. Tane jumped the few feet down to floor beneath, appalled and angry at once. He knew at once the Eevee would not survive, and at first thought to end its misery. Just as he leveled his shotgun, he heard a different noise, and then a second. He lifted the dying mother to find two newborn Eevees. At that moment, an explosion rattled the ship and shook the floor violently. Tane picked up the newborns from their averted fate and carried them to a service ladder underneath the ship. He found his first mate waiting there. "We're still over 100 feet! No way we'll survive!" his first mate yelled over the concussive sounds filling the air. "We jump or die!" Tane yelled back. Tane jumped, an Eevee in each hand, and braced for impact. He found himself in a hospital a week later, blistered on the soles of his feet and arms, but alive. His first mate found a patch of rocks. The incident left him shaken, but not despairing. Tane refused to give up his career. Within the next half-year, he resumed private transportation, flying people and goods in and beyond the nation of Entrin. Shortly afterward, he received a visit from a Entrin University representative wishing to hire an airship for a trip to Philitri. After discussing the details of the trip, Tane had only one condition. "I want in." [/hider] [hider=Pokemon (2)] Species:Eevee (G) Name:Eithina (a-THEE-na) Ability:Adaptability Moves:Scratch, Growl, Tackle Appearance: [hider=Eithina] [img][/img] [/hider] Other:Tane's choice of name (an altered version of Eithna, meaning fire) comes from her fondness of heat. Like Tane, she often appears excited, as if she can't wait to accomplish something. Being a mechanic's assistant, her fur is typically dirty, something that she seems not to mind at all. Her 'held item', so to speak, is a tattered red scarf that she is scarcely seen without. Species:Eevee (G) Name:Teria Ability:Adaptability Moves:Tackle, Growl, Quick Attack, Bite Appearance:Slightly different from pic. White fur is slightly more yellow and brown is lighter. [hider=Teria] [img][/img] [/hider] Other: Teria, (a form of Te Uira, meaning light) Eithina's twin sister, is so named because of her immense fear of darkness. Ironically, she is the more egotistic of the two. She has an air of arrogance to her, and acts contemptuously towards most other pokemon. She angers easily and sulks often. Despite her strange apathetic personality, Teria shares an unbreakable bond with Tane and Eithina. She is very intelligent, for a pokemon. Although she enjoys working with Tane, she carefully avoids soiling her fur, preferring only clean jobs - wiring, mostly. She wears a white silver and copper necklace with an attached obsidian ring. [/hider] [/hider]