[@sMoKe][@Liriia][@MelancholyMellie][@Galgarion] oh snap guys this just became a competition. 4 characters including myself, and we're at 5. Good luck to you all. Also to you Smoke, all I can say is you may want to focus on that airship stuff as there is already another engineer on the team (my character, who i really should have posted by now.) but my guy does small things so focus on BIG things. steampunk has enough space for two engineers but make sure they don't overlap. also meant to add this there are only pokeballs. The way they work is through aura crystals which literally are the only option for catching pokemon, and as you catch pokemon through proof of worthiness (see the games and anime and everything) there is no need here for fancy balls. eevee can't learn ember btw not even egg move. best ya got is sunny day. I have also told this multiple times abilities have to be those the pokemon can naturally have.