Dani watched him leave in a hurry. She felt kind of bad at this point, she didn't mean to make him run off or feel embarrassed, but she could already sense he was so different from her... She instantly knew then they were going to get along just fine. There was a little more time to kill before the banquet and she wondered if she should strike up conversation elsewhere. The young man on the couch was joined by a girl now, and she seemed to be touching his neck... Which maybe wasnt the best time for introductions. Not too far away from the couch there was short but rather cute boy that really seemed into his phone, but she didnt want to disturb him either. Then the couple speaking of their x-genes, and the gifts its given them. The girl could travel through electric current, which is pretty cool when you think about it. [I]'Well, that Jack guy has a lot to do with fire, probably best to learn a bit more about him first'[/I] she thought to herself. It was then she spotted a quiet white haired guy at the water cooler that seemed approachable enough. It was exciting to be around so many mutants she wanted to meet all her classmates if possible. Then it happen again... [i] he [/i] happen again. Nathans cousin, Jason. The smell that sent her nose into over drive. If there was one thing that she was going to learn first while being here, It was going to be getting these damn senses under control. With the feeling of her insides wanting to escape and her head wanting to explode. She decided to check out the garden instead, perhaps some fresh air would help her concentration.