[color=#778ba5]"Uh, Jitterbug..?"[/color] Jackson coughed lightly as Florence's hand brushed the side of his neck, taking note of the glazed look to her previously much brighter hazel eyes. [color=#778ba5]"You alright there?"[/color] The girl's previously vivacious attitude had fallen back quickly in her daze, and he picked up her words with ease as someone walked by. Something about SCM? A neck muscle, he supposed, given her focus on the side of his neck. That was...[i]odd[/i], but he'd heard weirder. Maybe. Sort of. Sliding off of the back of the couch to sit on it normally beside her, he wasn't surprised that she was still entranced by his neck. He doubted that running track did anything for a person's neck - aside from the posture needed to run properly - so was the yoga what had done it? Feeling his brain fizzle out on that train of thought, Jackson debated the safety of moving away from her and trying to break the trance. He didn't know what her ability was, and sighed to himself. Unless he sneezed, he wasn't going to get away from this situation very fast. [color=#778ba5]"I do yoga, if that means anything,"[/color] he offered lightly with a slight shrug, settling back on the couch. Several people were observing them now, and he sighed again, heavier this time. Figures that they'd all watch while pretending not to, but no one had the guts to say anything. But she wasn't feeling him up or anything, so as long as she snapped out of it soon, he and his non-existent reputation should be alright. At least, that's what Jackson told himself, a small voice in the back of his mind reminding him that he didn't know anything about this girl beyond her name and age. For all he knew, this wasn't exactly an isolated event.