[center][h1][color=red]Riddle Academy - Cafeteria[/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b162/wolf_demon123/Anime%20School/special4730201.jpg[/img][/center] [center][url=https://youtu.be/PH1AcMnjveQ]BMG[/url][/center] [hr] [center][h2][color=darkred]Kaede[/color][/h2][/center] Kaede listened to the whole situation with the Yakuza attack and how Izumi was fighting them on her own in the rooftop. [color=darkred]"I wanted to be there with you, but I have to keep theother students safe..."[/color] Kaede said over the intercom making a brief pause before finishing with [color=darkred]"Come back in one piece or I will not forgive you, Izumi"[/color] Kaede said over the intercom, despite all their disagreements Kaede considered Izumi a sister and if those Yakuza hurt her in anyway [color=darkred]"I'll hunt them to the depths of hell"[/color] the sound of her whispering was muffled by her scarf, though, so no one should have heard that semingly non sequitur. Kaede's attention was snapped back to the cafeteria when she heard gun shots coming from the entrance. She wasn't surprised to find that they came from Saya's problem sister, Rei, though. With a swift move (or rather a well placed illusion), Kaede was in front of Rei, and had disassembled her pistol in the meanwhile [color=darkred]"Riddle Academy Student Handbook; Rule 1, paragraph 7: 'No dangerous acts are permitted within the living wards unless permission is given by the Head Directo or an emergency arises.'"[/color] Kaede said while opening said handbook and pointing the rule to Rei [color=darkred]"I believe you received a copy of it too, haven't you, Momoko-san? Please, heed to it next time, unless you want to face the disciplinary comitee's punishment."[/color] With that said, Kaede did a well rehearsed curtsy and bow [color=darkred]"Well then, young ladies, what may I help you with?"[/color] she said while motioning them to their table, which was already occupied by Charlie [color=darkred]"I'm sorry, young miss...ter? But would you mind sharing tables with these ladies? Also, if there's anything I can do for you don't hesite to say it."[/color] She bow again before leaving, all the while throwing a long glance at Addie. [center][h2][color=9966cc]Addie[/color][/h2][/center] [color=9966cc]"Kya!"[/color] Addie cried when she was suddenly startled by Rei's haphazard shooting [color=9966cc]"W- why did that?"[/color] she asked while still quite a bit shaken. However, before any of them could do anything else, a mysterious looking maid appeared in front of them holding a guidebook and berating Rei for shooting randomly inside the school living area. This time, Addie had to agree with the maid, in that Rei's behavior was way too dangerous, though the way the maid kept stealing glances of her, even as she followed her routine couldn't do anything but make Addie feel very uneasy and self-conscious. Addie gave off a sigh of relief, once the mysterious maid left them in the company of cute boy... or, was she a girl? Not that the quirky lavender haired girl minded that, anyway... Nevertheless, Addie blinked once or twice, fidgeting nervously before talking to the cutish trap [color=9966cc]"H- hi! Can we, hmm... sit here?"[/color] she asked, while a slight blush graced her face [color=9966cc]"Oh! Sorry, we didn't introduce ourselves first. I'm Adelia Accel and these are my friends Rei and Sayaka-san."[/color] Addie said, before falling silent, waiting for the otokonoko's reply. Meanwhile, somewhere on the dimly lit, damp passages that lie under the main building of Riddle Academy... [center][h1][color=red]Riddle Academy - Basement B2[/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/10/9576/Service_Tunnel.jpg[/img][/center] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgzKbctSuIg]BMG[/url][/center] [hr] [center][h2][color=gold]???[/color][/h2][/center] A mysterious blonde [url=http://static.zerochan.net/Tiger.Rampage.full.1408178.jpg]girl[/url], wearing a custom school uniform prowled the tunnels very causally, despite their inherent creepiness, listening cautiously as the [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZAV5qUhUVg]droplets[/url] comming from the pipes hanging precariously overhead hit the puddles of stagnant water covering pretty much all the floor. [color=gold]"Man, I think this place needs a better plumber, 'cause the current one sucks"[/color] She said mockingly, despite the fact that she was literally buried way over her head in hostile territory [color=gold]"Anyway, where was that secret storage, again? This damn thing doesn't work underground, shitty piece of crap"[/color] the mysterious blonde said, pocketing her cellphone, after being sure that it would get no reception deep underground. [color=gold]"Oh, well... I guess I'll have to do it the hard way, then"[/color] the girl, who sure was way too fond of talking to herself, said after retrieving the PDA that she stole from a guard that was being sent to the infirmary and checking in the basement map, though it was hardly of use, since it had no data on the section she currently was in. Still, she was able to have a small idea based on the distribution of the air vents and the service tunnels on the floor above. [color=gold]"I hope those old geezers at the director's board really give me that one week trip to Hawaii after this job, 'cause I'll sure as hell charge them extra..."[/color] The girl said, before disappearing further within the shadowy galleries. [hr] [@Spriggs27][@TheWindel][@AgentFallenSoul]