[h1][i][color=ed1c24]Jack Ashbourne[/color][/i][/h1] [hr] Jack nodded to himself, so her accent was Russian. He always wanted to visit Russia. [color=ed1c24]"Yeah I suppose being as warm blooded as I am would come more in handy over there."[/color] The glow began to fade from his veins, traveling back to his core. He shrugged, [color=ed1c24]"Thankfully I'm not too naturally hot. I mean I do have a natural temperature of 103, so doctors are always freaking out when I visit. But besides that, unless I'm on fire or too excited, I'm not burning to the touch."[/color] He hesitated for a second thinking about what he had just said, then quickly tried to recover. Gesturing to his coat that was hanging over his arm he said, [color=ed1c24]"You wouldn't believe the number of times that I've accidentally set my clothes on fire. I'm hoping that this school has something here that's slightly fireproof. I'm seriously running out of shirts to burn through."[/color] The thought brought forth the memory of the first time his powers had activated. Whew the fire department hadn't been happy and he lost his favorite socks too. He loved those socks. Losing the house had been a big setback, but it was really about losing those socks.