[h2][center]Nathaniel[/center][/h2] Stepping out into the serene setting, the experience was not lost on him. The unusual scents, sights and sounds all were exhilarating and he wanted to just explore it all. [@Blackmist16] Managing to stop himself for a moment to take a breath, Nathaniel calms himself down and turns to Vestus who was behind him. [color=007A74]"I don't really know why we are here, either. I can just theorize it is related to our quest to defeat those powerful beings, but why that woman summoned us here to do that is lost on me since she could have likely done it herself."[/color] Letting the thought trail off, he glances around at the surroundings once again. [color=007A74]"We were given these powers to - what I assume, at least - to defeat these guys, but she also said our powers could be improved."[/color] Once again pushing up his non-existent glasses, he looks straight into the forest. [color=007A74]"I don't think we can face them as we are, but it doesn't mean we can't explore and try facing one if we meet it. As such, it might be best to determine where to go at the moment. You mentioned you liked campfires before, so do you have experience in forests? If so, we could check it out since your experience might help, unless you personally want to see what that village is about."[/color]