[center][img]http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/935/204/ec3.png[/img] [color=00aeef]GM's[/color] - Kurisa, Phobos [color=f7941d]Co-GM's[/color] - AbigalTenshi, Oblivion666 [color=ed1c24][b]Note[/b] - If you join at least try to be active. If you struggle to keep active then please at least let us know so we can deal with the absence/lack of activity accordingly and so we do not assume you have abandoned the RP. Gore and Mature theme's also exist within the RP[/color] [h3][u][b]Intro[/b][/u][/h3] A decade ago Tokyo was under a cloak of darkness, ruled by a single organisation of Ghouls that were lead by the one the Ghouls often referred to as the [b][color=9e0b0f]God of Ghouls[/color][/b]. Under the God's command were his [color=9e0b0f][b]7 Kings[/b][/color] who were just as feared...however in a truly odd turn of events the God of Ghouls seemingly vanished from the face of the earth. Some of the Kings assumed their God had passed on and intended to claim his throne, yet some believed their God would return and that he was simply trying to test his subordinates loyalty. These different views of the Kings conflicted with eachother and thus sent Tokyo into utter chaos as the Kings fought amongst themselves for control of their once great organisation...yet this only tore it all apart. Now only [color=9e0b0f][b]3 Kings[/b][/color] remain, each having taken their crown from a previous King and yet these Kings still fight amongst eachother in an attempt for complete control...or so it'd appear. Tokyo now sits in a state of chaos, districts divided by various organisations that are out for eachother's blood... yet in the middle of it all are the CCG who are in an attempt to eradicate the ghouls and restore peace... In the end, [color=9e0b0f][b]who will succeed?[/b][/color] [hr] [color=6A5ACD]- [b]CCG[/b] -[/color] [i]Controlled by AbigailTenshi[/i] The Commission of Counter Ghoul. They deal with the eradication of Ghouls and protection of Humans. Here you'll work alongside detectives of various ranks within Squads, you'll also deal with cases of ghouls from C all the way to SSS~ rank. Currently the CCG own 4 of the total 23 districts available. [color=9966CC]- [b]Yatagarasu[/b] -[/color] [i]Controlled by Kurisa[/i] This group is run by one of the three remaining Kings who goes by the alias [color=9966CC][b]Scarecrow[/b][/color]. This King is a true monster and doesn't shy away from causing his victims as much immense pain as possible. The most brutal and unstable of the three Kings, he doesn't shy away from taking his time twisting and breaking down his victims using all of the tools he has at hand. Currently his group owns 3 of the total 23 districts available. [color=32CD32]- [b]Jokers End[/b] -[/color] [i]Controlled by Oblivion666[/i] This group is run by another one of the three remaining Kings who goes by the alias [color=32CD32][b]Psycho Jester[/b][/color]. This King does whatever he wants, whenever he wants and messes with whoever the hell he wants. Rather reckless, he gives no f*cks about anyone's opinion of him and only continues to cause destruction and trouble wherever he decides to go, not giving a single f*ck at all [i][b]Vroom Vroom[/b][/i]. Currently his group owns 3 of the total 23 districts available. [color=9e0b0f]- [b]Hydra's Nest[/b] -[/color] [i]Controlled by Phobos[/i] This group is run by the last of the three remaining Kings who goes by the alias [color=9e0b0f][b]Leviathan[/b][/color]. Unlike the other two, this King is rather calm and wise. Working strategically as a team is of high importance when overthrowing his group's enemies, the lives of his subordinates are also important thus why this King would stop at nothing to protect and rule the ghouls under him. Currently his group owns 3 of the total 23 districts. [hr] [h3][u][b]Rules[/b][/u][/h3] [hider=Rules] 1. Respect the GM's - The GM's Word is law. Please Respect our word and judgement - 2. No god modding or metagaming, or anything of the sort - Nothing else need be said - 3. No killing off other chars unless permission is given - Permission must be granted by the owner of said character before you can kill their character. Be aware that characters will die...if we (The GM's) feel your character is in a situation that they'd likely die in then we may propose that your character would die in that situation. However we assume this will be quite rare- 4. This is a Roleplay, it is a Hobby so just have fun and enjoy - It isn't a Job so don't take it stupidly seriously and treat it like a Job. We only want everyone to get along and have fun - 5. Three Sentences Minimum - As this is a casual Roleplay we expect 3 Sentences at the absolute Minimum. If you struggle with this then you can ask for help from either the GM's or even other Roleplayers - 6. Absence - If you are absent from posting for a week and have failed to give the GM's a reason as to why you may not be so active, we will assume you have abandoned the RP and likely kill off your character(s) after some time. However we have the right to keep your character alive and continue to use them - 7. Posting in the IC - In this Roleplay we use a posting order to make sure things run smoothly. If your character is in a group then a posting order is needed. Person 1 posts, Person 2 Posts, Person 3 posts, repeat the cycle. Nothing like: Person 1 posts, Person 3 posts, Person 1 posts, Person 3 Posts, Person 2 posts. Aside from this, if you fail to post after 1-3 (MAX) days then your character can and will be skipped over to ensure the group can continue to move on. This is to ensure a good pace can be maintained in the Roleplay. The time decided to wait is decided by the importance of a post. We also ask that ontop of every post you do that you state which Ward your character is currently in, the time of day (updated in the first post of the IC) and the day as to avoid confusion and such. We recommend collaborations for fights that will last longer than 5 posts each - 8. Character Creation - As of this moment you will be allowed to make up to Four (4) Characters. We recommend you spread these characters about a bit so that you are able to RP with many others as opposed to just the same few people. There will also be no Half Human/Half Ghouls nor any Dual Kagune types as they are far to rare. For story purposes however this rule may be looked over - 9. Punishment - If you are causing a disruption or a problem for the Roleplay, it's players or the GM's then you will be punished. This can vary from a simple "slap on the wrist" to being removed from the Roleplay altogether. If after a GM has told you to leave the Roleplay or to stop something you continue then the GM will go to a Moderator and bring them into the situation so it can be resolved - 10. Combat - When in combat please clearly state where the attack is aimed and such. Also remember to be true to the Anime/Manga. By this I mean if you are an Ukaku type Ghoul that you will run out of stamina after sometime and will likely have to retreat, please be aware of the weakness/downsides a Kagune and Quinque may have - ~If you have read the rules then put "Smoking is bad M'kay?" in the other section of your CS~[/hider] [h3][u][b]Map[/b][/u][/h3] [Hider=Map] This map has been created to give you a rough idea of the locations each Organisation resides in. You could consider the coloured area's dangerous Zones for both Humans and Ghouls alike. [img]http://i.imgur.com/LJqMDdA.png[/img][/hider] [h3][u][b]Useful Information[/b][/u][/h3] [u][b]CCG Ranks[/b][/u] [hider=CCG Ranks] In the CCG the ranks of Investigators are divided into Senior and Junior Investigators. Juniors are Investigators still in training while Seniors are considered the more elite of the CCG [u][b]Senior Investigator ranks[/b][/u] [b]Special Class[/b] The highest possible Rank, achieved by a smallest percentage of Investigators. They are considered the strongest of all Investigators, and typically command operations as well as oversee the daily running of their assigned Wards. [b]Associate Special Class[/b] The second highest Rank, achieved by a small percentage of Investigators. They possess the authority to command operations or oversee individual Wards as necessary. [b]First Class[/b] The lowest Rank to be considered a Senior Investigator, with most Investigators achieving this Rank later in their career. It is typical for an Investigator to retire at this Rank, and their responsibilities are typically training a Junior partner. Very few Investigators move beyond this Rank, and reaching it before their thirties is considered the mark of an exceptional Investigator. [u][b]Junior Investigator ranks[/b][/u] [b]Rank 1[/b] The highest Rank for a Junior Investigator, having gained experience but not yet at the peak of their career. On average, Rank 1 Investigators are around 27 years old when they're promoted. [b]Rank 2[/b] This is the Rank at which almost all Investigators begin their career, after graduating from the Ghoul Investigator Training Academy. [b]Rank 3[/b] Bureau Investigators begin their career at this rank. Ghoul Investigators that begin their career at this Rank are "special cases", made Investigators without formal training at the Academy. [/Hider] [u][b]Quinque info[/b][/u] [hider=Quinque] A Quinque is a weapon made from a ghoul's Kagune and has the capability to be formed into various weapons that can possess the special traits of the ghoul it was harvested from. These Quinque once created however can no longer store or gain any more RC Cells as well as loosing it's capability to change shape. In some rare cases a Quinque can be made from two Kagune however as mentioned...this is rare. Armor can also be made from ghouls Kagune, most notably a full body armor made from a Ghouls Kakuja, however this to is very rare. These Quinque also have ratings that are exactly the same as a Ghouls rating. This ranges from C to SSS although an SSS Quinque has never been known to exist... Note: Only Rank 2 investigators and up are allowed to use Quinque's. Another thing to note is that the type of Kagune your Quinque is made from can affect it's characteristics, Much like how a ghouls Kagune has positives and negatives. These strengths and weaknesses transfer over to the Quinque also and so be aware of this.[/hider] [u][b]List of Wards/Key Locations[/b][/u] [hider=Wards] [b]1st Ward[/b] Status: CCG Controlled Key Locations: CCG Main Office, The Chateau, CCG Laboratory Division [b]2nd Ward[/b] Status: CCG Controlled Key Locations: None [b]3rd Ward[/b] Status: CCG Controlled Key Locations: None [b]4th Ward[/b] Status: CCG Controlled Key Locations: None [b]5th Ward[/b] Status: Neutral Key Locations: None [b]6th Ward[/b] Status: Neutral Key Locations: None [b]7th Ward[/b] Status: Neutral Key Locations: None [b]8th Ward[/b] Status: Neutral Key Locations: None [b]9th Ward[/b] Status: Controlled by Jokers End Key Locations: None [b]10th Ward[/b] Status: Controlled by Jokers End Key Locations: None [b]11th Ward[/b] Status: Controlled by Jokers End Key Locations: 11th Ward Base controlled by Jokers End [b]12th Ward[/b] Status: Neutral Key Locations: None [b]13th Ward[/b] Status: Neutral Key Locations: CCG 13th ward's Branch Office [b]14th Ward[/b] Status: Neutral Key Locations: None [b]15th Ward[/b] Status: Controlled by Hydra's Nest Key Locations: None [b]16th Ward[/b] Status: Neutral Key Locations: None [b]17th Ward[/b] Status: Neutral Key Locations: None [b]18th Ward[/b] Status: Neutral Key Locations: None [b]19th Ward[/b] Status: Controlled by Hydra's Nest Key Locations: None [b]20th Ward[/b] Status: Controlled by Hydra's Nest Key Locations: Previous CCG 20th Ward's Branch Office now controlled by Hydra's nest [b]21st Ward[/b] Status: Controlled by Yatagarasu Key Locations: None [b]22nd Ward[/b] Status: Controlled by Yatagarasu Key Locations: None [b]23rd Ward[/b] Status: Controlled by Yatagarasu Key Locations: Ghoul Detention Center now controlled by Yatagarasu [/Hider] [u][b]Ghoul Ratings[/b][/u] [hider=Ghoul Ratings] As there are many Ghouls they are rated in terms of their priority/danger/Ability with SSS being the highest and C being the lowest. SSS - The criteria for SSS ratings are extremely dangerous, needs to be dealt with a profession. SS~ - SS~ Is considered around SS Rating, possibly higher SS - Multiple Special Class Investigators are needed to deal with an SS-rated ghoul. S~ - S~ Is considered around S Rating, Possibly higher. S - The ability of an Srated ghoul is equivalent to the ability of an Average Associate Special Class Investigator. A - An A-rated ghoul is comparable to a First Class Investigator. B - A B-rated ghoul is comparable to a lower-ranked Investigator (Rank 1 to Rank 3). C - A ghoul of smaller ability is C-rated. [/Hider] [u][b]Kagune Types[/b][/u] [hider=Kagune Types] [u][b]Kagune[/b][/u] A Kagune is composed of Rc cells, can be described as “liquid muscles.” They flow just like blood but can become solid as bone. The Kagune functions as a ghoul’s predatory organ, like a weapon or claws. When the Rc cells are released, the ghoul’s physique, resilience, and mobility is strengthened. At will, the Kagune can be repeatedly hardened and softened. Although a ghoul’s healing ability is high, wounds inflicted by a Kagune will take longer to heal. [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/205/e/c/untitled_by_x_banshee-d7s2pkw.png[/img] [u][b]Ukaku[/b][/u] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/c4f647d62e5720454459ac640bcb57e9/tumblr_n6w4q9OtXB1t8s7fzo3_r1_500.gif[/img] The Ukaku Kagune is released from the shoulder area, and have the characteristic appearance of feathers. They are light weight and deliver high speed attacks. Ukaku Kagune are suited for short-distance and long-distance attacks, giving a higher chance of ending a battle in a shorter amount of time. Releasing the Rc cells cause an extreme decrease in stamina. Therefore, Ukaku-types are at a disadvantage when a battle drags on due to their lack of endurance. Strengths: + Light Weight + Can deliver high speed attacks + Suited for short range and long distance attacks + Higher chance of ending a battle in a shorter time period Weaknesses: - Experience an extreme decrease in stamina when Rc cells are released - Lack endurance - Cannot battle for a long period of time Koukaku → Ukaku → Bikaku The Ukaku uses their distinctive mobility to overwhelm and shoot down the Bikaku. However a Koukau can lengthen a battle by successfully guarding against the Ukaku’s attacks, exhausting the Ukaku and making itself vulnerable to counterattacks. [u][b]Koukaku[/b][/u] [img]https://33.media.tumblr.com/a73696828df76ab5f42ac9674194e896/tumblr_npoq71xauB1slmfozo1_500.gif[/img] A Koukaku Kagune is metallic and is released below the shoulder blade. They have a high density of Rc cells, they are sturdy and best suited for defense. However due to it’s heavy weight, they are a bit difficult to handle and so they lack speed compared to the other kagune types. Strengths: + Sturdy and best suited for defense + High density in Rc cells + Can protect self from light attacks Weaknesses: - Lack speed - Difficult to handle Rinkaku → Koukaku → Ukaku Koukaku utilize their guarding capabilities and well suited to defend against light attacks of an Ukaku. However a Rinkaku is able to deliver severe strikes breaking their kagune and penetrating their defenses. [u][b]Rinkaku[/b][/u] [img]https://38.media.tumblr.com/7c7736f3a79c97a0a0c446b3d52bb376/tumblr_npoq71xauB1slmfozo3_500.gif[/img] A Rinkaku Kagune have the appearance of coarse “scaled tentacles” and is released from the back area at the waist area. They have powerful regenerative abilities, and has high striking power due to its peculiar structure. A rinkaku excels in brute strength. While the Rc cells bind easily for regenerative purposes, the binding of the cells are weak. They are very brittle compared to other kagune. Strengths: + Powerful regenerative abilities + High Striking power +Brute Strength Weaknesses: - Brittle due to weak binding of Rc cells. Bikaku → Rinkaku → Koukaku A Rinkaku is able to deliver severe strikes to a Koukaku, giving it an advantage over them. However they will have difficulty battling against a Bikaku due to a Bikaku’s high power which allows it to fight against a Rinkaku. The brittleness of the Rinkaku Kagune makes it easy for a Bikaku to cut off the Rinkaku ghoul’s kagune. [u][b]Bikaku[/b][/u] [img]https://38.media.tumblr.com/e7413a30c19a82beaa4044227ae22da8/tumblr_npoq71xauB1slmfozo2_500.gif[/img] A Bikaku Kagune emerges from the tailbone, resembling a tail. They are best suited for mid-range battling, and have above average offense, defense and good speed. They have no notable strengths or weaknesses compared to other Kagune types. Strengths: + Balanced + Mid-range battling + Good speed + Above average offense and defense Weaknesses: - No notable strengths and weaknesses Ukaku → Bikaku → Rinkaku A Bikaku has better speed and durability compared to the Rinkaku’s brute force. Bikakus are able to cut off the Rinkaku’s brittle kagune. However they are at a disadvantage when fighting an Ukaku due to the Ukaku’s speed and long range attacks. [/Hider] [u][b]Kakuja's[/b][/u] [hider=Kakuja] Now while we will be allowing some Kakuja this will be decided by the GM's. Do not run around trying to eat ghouls and claiming you're a Kakuja or even half-Kakuja. This is something we (GM's) will determine. By all means you can request this but don't expect the answer to be yes, especially if there are a few running around as it is...we'd like to keep the number of these Kakuja's somewhat low. Description of Kakuja: Kakuja is a form of ghoul that rarely appears by cannibalizing their kind. It is said that during the process of cannibalism, the concentration within a ghoul’s body can increase when the ghoul absorbs the Rc cells, and when and if the concentration becomes high enough, it may trigger a mutation within the cells that can lead to a formation of a new kagune. Sometimes these transformation is incomplete, thus those individuals are called Half-Kakujas. A Kakujas can continuously evolve their kagune by cannibalizing ghouls. [/hider] [h3][u][b]Character Sheet[/b][/u][/h3] [Hider=CCG CS] (DELETE THIS AFTER READING: If you wish to make a normal human that is not apart of the CCG then simply leave blank any CCG related sections) Appearance Name: Codename/Alias: Race: Human (No Half Human, Half Ghouls) Age: (Likely over 21 at least) Gender: Height: Eye Colour: Hair Colour: Personality: History: (if you wish to add one) Rank: (Start off as Rank 2 Investigator) Squad: (The Squad your Investigator is apart of) Ward of operation: (Your Investigator will likely operate in a single Ward however can be assigned to other Wards to aid in tasks there) Quinque Type: (Start off with only one Quinque) Quinque Appearance or description: Special trait: Other [/Hider] [Hider=Ghoul CS] Appearance Name: Codename/Alias: Mask: (Ghouls only) Race: Ghoul (No Half Human, Half Ghouls) Age: (older than 16) Gender: Height: Eye Colour: Hair Colour: Personality: History: (If you wish to add one) Occupation: (If you wish for your ghoul to work a normal sort of job then please list here...although if they are working with one of the organisations they'd likely not have a normal job) Ward of Operation: (This is the main area in which your ghoul operates however this doesn't limit them to operate in just this ward so you are not tied to a single ward) Rating: (Start off as B Rated unless told otherwise) Organisation: (You can work on your own, you do not have to join any of the Ghoul Organisation's) Rank: (Given to you by the King/Leader of the Organisation you follow) Kagune Type: Kagune Appearance or description: Special trait: Other: [/Hider][/center]