Captain stopped in her tracks, the cigarette nearly done she held tightly between her lips as Chang’e caught her attention. She inquired to when they were departing and Captain shrugged before she set the box down she had picked up to move into the cargo bay. “I have no gorram clue. I am waiting on Cryek to get this boat in the air. What? Some man on this dustball want some fun time with you?” she asked; taking the last pull from the smoke and tossing it to the ground and stomping it out with her boot before turning her head to the side and blowing the smoke away from her through clenched teeth. Seeing April come over she groaned slightly. “Yeah, you take her and keep the com open, if we get ready to leave high tail both your narrow behinds back here post haste. And bring me back something to eat,” Captain said quickly before hefting the crate back up and tucking it under one arm and turning to walk off. “Hannah, get the boy settled in and stow the explosives. I don’t want another whoops boom in the cargo bay!” she shouted as she walked off towards the cargo bay to stow the crate of food rations she had acquired earlier in the day. Once that was done she moved quickly through the ship to the engine room and stopped at the door, leaning against the frame as she crossed her arms over her chest. “When the hell you gonna have my ship ready Cyrek?” she asked as she took another cigarette out and lit it. “I want to break atmo by dusk. Oh and we have a new passenger, do don’t throw any wrenches until we are in outer amto okay? Don’t want the little bloke running before I get some type of payment,” she said taking a pull from the cigarette and smirking, holding it out to him.