Near the back of the exploration guild's grand lobby, a bespectacled Smeargle leafed through a stack of color-coded papers, handed out a few guild badges, signed some forms with the lavender-colored liquid at the end of her tail, took a hasty sip of Pechai tea, and sheepishly called an exploration team back to her desk so she could give them the [i]right[/i] guild badges... all in the span of ninety seconds. Finally, the wave of Pokemon needing assistance ebbed, and Mildred had her first moment to relax in over half an hour. Normally, the assistant secretary's work wasn't nearly this stressful. She spent most of her time filing and sorting through papers in the bowels of the massive building, far from the throng of hurried strangers. However, one of her superiors was out sick today, while another said he would be gone for a couple hours doing... some kind of secret guild errand he couldn't tell her about. That left Mildred to handle everything necessary for new and potential exploration teams. Mildred nervously fidgeted with the end of her tail at the thought of messing up a team registration, or worse, sending an inexperienced team on a mission too dangerous for them! Then the Smeargle forced herself to take a few deep breaths and slowly sipped her tea. [color=a187be][i]I've done all this before,[/i][/color] Mildred mused to calm herself. She closed her eyes for a moment and finally felt her tense muscles relax. [color=a187be][i]There's nothing too hard for me to figure out here.[/i][/color] [color=a187be][i]Besides, it's only a couple hours. Nothing really important could happen in that time, right?[/i][/color]