Sapphire was rather disappointed that their little game had ended so soon and she promptly returned to her stale and emotionless posture and attitude. At this point after the long walk to Coalstrike and the quick ‘tag’ game Joshua put them through, Sapphire was starving. She was looking forward to the dinner, especially since she assumed the dinner was on Joshua. Even though he didn’t state specifically it was all on him, he did say he’d bring them along. Her dreams of having a nice warm meal were shattered and when Joshua decided to deal with their switch-weapons first. Despite this she knew their weapons had a higher priority than anything else. She then followed Joshua to Harold’s shop. Harold mentioned that he had received a shipment of starmetal and Sapphire was glad Miss Abigail had kept her end of the bargain. Recalling her, to some extent, bad attitude Sapphire half expected her not to. She thought it'd be wiser to not let anyone know where the shipment of starmetal originated. Seeing that no-one intended to begin first Sapphire stepped forward facing Harold and began explaining the design she had in mind. “I’d like the base weapon to be a double bladed scythe, meaning two blades next to each other. It should be able to transform into a double ended glaive form by shifting one blade to the other end of the pole and straightening the other. The blades should also be large enough to allow rune placement on them.” She also pulled out her Kris and held in front of Harold. “This has a. . .” she paused for a moment “. . . significant sentimental value to me, so I’d also like a custom made holster for it attached to the pole of the scythe. Is all that achievable?” She finished with her question.