[center][img]http://cdn.mysitemyway.com/etc-mysitemyway/icons/legacy-previews/icons/black-ink-grunge-stamps-textures-icons-signs/089717-black-ink-grunge-stamp-textures-icon-signs-gas-mask.png[/img] [img]http://s18.postimg.org/mh42e8ksp/Anonymous.png[/img][/center] [u]Name/Nicknames:[/u] John, Anonymous, "Anon" (Pronounced Ay-non) [u]Race:[/u] Human [u]Age:[/u] 31 [u]Appearance:[/u] [img]http://s18.postimg.org/h1lu6w3br/Anonymous.png[/img] John sports a certain [url=http://pre12.deviantart.net/9f5c/th/pre/f/2013/271/c/8/c8632fd3742fd5ae373369d3604bd8b7-d6obtwz.jpg]gas mask[/url], but underneath it is a scruffy face with scraggly stubble, roughly shaved each morning, more than likely with broken glass. His once bright blue eyes now seem grey and lifeless, with a thick scar running under his right eye. He has a smooth British accent, not too posh and not too cockney, with a bit of an American accent bleeding through due to spending so much time around Americans. [u]Sexual Preferences:[/u] Asexual [u]Perks:[/u] [list] [*] Thief [*] Rad Resistance [*] Scoundrel[/list] [u]S.P.E.C.I.A.L:[/u] [color=gold]Strength:[/color] 6 [color=gold]Perception:[/color] 6 [color=gold]Endurance:[/color] 6 [color=gold]Charisma:[/color] 4 [color=gold]Intelligence:[/color] 7 [color=gold]Agility:[/color] 6 [color=gold]Luck:[/color] 5 [u]Personality:[/u] John is quite anti-social, having been plagued by paranoia in the past, and has issues with trust. He acts quite tough and rowdy towards people, but if you get to know him, it's just to cover up his anxiety and frustration at life. Like most people, John grew up in a dump, but he had the worst betrayal possible. Unless you become completely close with him - which isn't likely giving his position - you will only see him as an anonymous stranger, walking about in this shithole just like the rest. He is very privative, so most people just call him Anon or Anonymous. Nobody actually knows his name due to this. Although, if you do ever manage to gain his trust, he is a very valuable asset due to his strange immunity to radiation and excellent survival skills, along with his melee and survival skills. However, on his own or around people he knows, John acts very differently. He loosens up, and just seems to forget the struggle of the wasteland, instead spending time to help out people, or even perfom Anything Goes once in a while. He does sometimes wish that he could see Andy again, and that they could forget what happened, but knows that it'd never work out. Putting all other things aside, John is very carefree and just cares about protecting his friends. [u]Equipment:[/u] [b]Caps:[/b] 487 [b]Melee Weapons:[/b] [list] [*] Survival Knife [*] "Stunbat" (Modified Baseball Bat, additional wire with a 1 in 5 chance of stunning opponents) [*] Iron Knuckles[/list] [b]Ranged Weapons:[/b] [list] [*] Silenced 10mm Pistol [*] Assault Rifle [*] Chinese Assault Rifle [*] Railway Rifle [*] Hunting Rifle[/list] [b]Food:[/b] [list] [*] 13x Salisbury Steak [*] 7x Yum Yum Devilled Eggs [*] 2x Blamco Mac N' Cheese [*] 17x Nuka Cola [*] 12x Iguana Bits [*] 4x Bubblegum [*] 9x Cram[/list] [b]Drugs:[/b] [list] [*] 9x Jet [*] 6x Buffalo [*] 14x Stimpacks[/list] [b]Alcohol:[/b] [list] [*] 5x Whiskey [*] 1x Moonshine [*] 11x Vodka[/list] [b]Bobbleheads:[/b] [list] [*] Science Bobblehead [*] Perception Bobblehead [*] Agility Bobblehead[/list] [b]Clothing:[/b] [list] [*] Wasteland Wanderer (Armoured) [*] Gas Mask (Modified "Makeshift Gas Mask")[/list] [b]Extra:[/b] Various tradable junk ranging from a value of 3 - 41 caps [u]Biography:[/u] John grew up in a small town (now destroyed by the Enclave) near Megaton in the Capital Graveyard. He made a best friend for life - a boy named Andy - and they did everything together. At the age of 17 they were still inseparable. Until, a few years later, they were on a raiding mission. Andy led John into a room with the rest of the team, claiming he'd found something amazing. Seconds later, all John could see was smoke and blood, before he blacked out. He woke up a week later, tied to a post in the middle of nowhere. Andy had betrayed him, and destroyed their entire friendship. John lost everything. His pride, his dignity, his social skills, and his clothes. He was eventually cut down after being beaten up by raiders and stripped clean of what little he had left, before setting off to Rivet City to decide his fate. For three years he wandered the Graveyard, before deciding to go back to what he did best - raiding and scavenging. He managed to get enough items to start him off (including hand crafted armour) before he hit the road. Nine years later and he's gained ultimate survival skills, and a strange sort of immunity to radiation. [u]Other Notes/ETC:[/u] John enjoys listening to a lot of GNR songs, mainly being Anything Goes.