Braska still stood feeling a bit left out and decided to not enter the temple of Kilika. It just wasn't his place and he knew it. Everyone had broken apart and Braska was left sorta alone. "Story of my life." The Star Player said to himself, walking away from the temple to a near by tree. He'd find something to do despite there not being much. A walk was employed to give him a moment of respite. The town was not far away and he could get a room for the rest of the day. Braska made his way back to the village, taking a little while as he took the long way. Focused on just what to do next the middle child of Tidus and Yuna nearly missed the sounds of Nai's sobs and Alex's cheerful talk. He had walked past the right place at the right time. He took several steps around one of the buildings to see Nai with tears running down her face, a small bit of blood on her forehead while Alex seemed to be attempting to calm her. In no time he ran up to the three of them with a bright smile, Urick standing silently to the side. "Hey what's going on?" Braska asked drowned by Nai speaking on the priests and the temple, "What? Why would they do that? Eh. Never trusted priests so who cares? You are like one of the best friends I have so, ya know." Braska walked over to Nai and placed his hand on her shoulder. "Hey I'll hang out with you if you don't want to bother the others. It'll be like that day me and you hung out in Zanarkand."