[center][IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/r02ut3.png[/IMG][/center] [color=limegreen] > Outer Rim > Gaulus Sector > Ryloth System: Ryloth[/color] In the atmosphere above Ryloth, a trio of Imperial Dropship Transports descended towards the planet's surface. Each of the dropships' wings were proudly emblazoned with the Imperial Crest, along with the Unit insignia of the 121st Assault Battalion, A stormtrooper helmet with wings flanking either side. The inside of the IDTs shook occasionally, causing its cargo to buckle and bob as it flew through the rough turbulence above Ryloth. Each IDTs cargo, in this setting, was a squad of Stormtroopers, along with their support gear, and extra ammunition and rations for extended deployment. Inside of the lead transport stood the 2nd squad of the 1st platoon of Bravo company- referred to as Bravo-one-two for convenience. This was the squad's fifth mission in the last week, the previous missions being simple milk-runs. A couple of insurgents in a village, native's shooting at a supply convoy. Nothing that couldn't be easily put down with a small application of force- blaster fire and an occasional thermal detonator, from the Emperor's finest. The missions were simple, inconsequential at best, but when command wanted a rowdy group of natives stomped on, Bravo company was usually the ones sent to oblige. The nine troopers of B-1-2 lounged around the interior of their transport, some stood, holding onto hand guards to keep themselves steady, others sat on half-full crates of supplies and ammunition. Helmets were off, and conversation was being had. They were still several minutes off from their destination, so there was a little bit more time to get their last laughs and gear checks in. Sergeant Lewis Blake, better known by the rest of the squad as "Blues" or occasionally "Sarge" and "SL" sat on a crater of ammunition at the center wall, closest to the cockpit. Eyes narrowed, quietly scanning the compartment of the transport. He yawned, he was tired. With luck, this mission would be as simple as the others, and they'd get back on the transport and back up to base by the end of the night. He checked the time on his commlink. They had 10 minutes before the drop zone. He'd let the squad get their last hurrahs in before he called them together and got geared up. Not that he really needed to, their today mission was just like the last two, checking out rumors of a insurgency brewing in the city of Kala'din, one of the major cites on Ryloth. Kala'din was a hotbed for rumors of insurgency, like most cities on Ryloth, it was built into a large mountain. However, unlike other major cities, a rather large portion of Kala'din had spilled out into the flatlands at the base of the mountain. This area was equivalent to slum and sprawl housing, densely populated, but mostly by poor Twi'leks and the occasional human. If this mission was anything like the last two, they would find the "insurgents", a handful of disgruntled, malnourished primitives, who got their hands on a couple of simple hand blasters. They'd shoot one or two, make an example of another, and the rest would surrender and be taken in for processing. Looking up, Blake noticed a plaque one of the squad members had erected on the wall of their transport. It read "Days without incident: 7" He let out a soft exhale of breath- his equivalent of a chuckle. He hadn't noticed that before today. Regulation dictated that Blake should locate the trooper who defaced Imperial property and have them properly punished in front of the squad, but this was the Outer Rim, and there were very few troopers who adhered exactly to Imperial Regulations.