Name: Light [hider=looks] A 1.7 meter tall pure white humanoid with short blue hair, a large roundish head with no nose and large black and orange eyes, aquatic looking fin ears, a skinny neck, broad chest, skinny biceps with large forearms and equally large cartoony claw like hands that flow into each other. She wears a long white dress with a blue tanktop and blue edges on the bottom section, with an M cut in the bottom section to show her legs of which end in sharp points where she would normally have feet. [/hider] Species: Void Demon Age: 24 Gender: Female Hero/Villain/Neutral Hero Weapons/Powers: Ultimate Regeneration - Light can regenerate from any injury that doesn't result in atomization, including supernatural afflictions. Light gains a resistance to whatever she was last hit with in the past few hours, although the regeneration does take some time. Entropy - Light passively absorbs energy / energy from objects. Enhanced Strength - Light has much greater strength then her frame would make you believe. Pocket Space - Light can pull small objects out of her dress for comedic purposes. Personality: Light is an intelligent carefree person who has a poor grasp on consequences. History: I have no idea what to put here tbh. Weakness: Silver, Iron, Entropy causes lots of issues with technology. Other: Still toying with what I want her to sound like. Right now I'm having fun with her sounding like Lust from FMA.