I have collected the 'Edge of Tamriel' documents on my mega drive: https://mega.nz/#F!2FFzlABJ!kNvpBijcPLJE558G4aXnOQ For those who are interested please go ahead and start making your character concepts. Use the rules to make a starting character, no extra XP, and please god no Lycanthropes or Vampires to start. Seeing how Elder Scrolls is a single player experience, I want to try and have a balanced party (the fighter, talker, healer, thief), though even if characters are only moderately specialised in each. I am going to wait until I get one or two more player before migrating into a game. But do not be afraid to post your character concept so the group can balance itself. [edit] Here is a quick article on the dice system we will use. Just note that I am now going to post any FFG materials as I do not have permission. https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/news/2013/2/27/that-star-wars-feeling/